By WD40 , 28 April, 2004

From the Helena IR, Monday, April 26, 2004:
"Hundreds rallied Saturday at a U.S. Forest Service office
against proposed road restrictions in south-central Montana's Beartooth and Pryor mountains."

Full text of article is available by clicking the following link.
Helena IR Article

Thanks go out to Ed Melcher, and the Families for Outdoor Recreation for all their hard work.

By RCURRIER , 15 April, 2004

2004 Top Truck Challenge

Galiton County Fairgrounds - Motor Sports Park

Saturday May 8th

Registration: 8:00am-10:00am

Racing starts at 10:30

Entry Fee $20 per driver $5 spectator admission

Rock Crawl
Tow Event
Tuff Truck/Obstacle
Mud Bog
Skill Event

Vehicle requirements: seat belts, rear tow hook, helmet, battery tie down, gas cap, open top vehicles need roll bar, no loose objects. Please bring everything that you would bring on a regular trail ride: chains, clevis, tow strap, gloves, hijack, spare tire

For more information call: Rob 579-9073

By edjandj , 8 April, 2004

Show up and support your right to use our forests!
Learn what you can do to protect our lands. Come to a rally in Billings, Montana, at the Forest Service Office o­n April 24, 2004, at NOON (1310 Main Street). We don't want trails and roads that we enjoy to have a "ROAD CLOSED" sign o­n them next time we visit.

Bring your families and friends. There will be reporters and television crews. We need to make an impact. Let's fill the parking lots with outdoor recreationists. Hey, let's close down Main Street! See you there!

By edjandj , 8 March, 2004

Two trail rides have been scheduled for March. O­n Sunday the 14th we're making a run above Bridger. Meet at the BK in Laurel at 7:30 am. Saturday the 27th is Benbow. Meet - same time, same place.

By tsm1 , 5 March, 2004

Convention is at the Best Western City Center Inn in Bozeman, April 3rd and 4th.

Meetings start at 10:00am both days.

Dinner is at 6:30pm, Saturday the 3rd, with Guest Speaker Gary Perry, Senate District 16.

If you did not receive the forum with RSVP, please contact Mike Nunn.

Cost is $25 for dinner and meetings, or $10 for meetings only.

Hotel Rooms at the Best Western City Center Inn are $55 a night for one person.

Mike Nunn, Mountaineers
388-0448 or 539-0919 for more information

Remember that this is M4x4A Election Time, so Be There and BE HEARD.

Plus you might just learn a little something...

By DRussell , 27 February, 2004

Mike and Tiffiny Russell are the proud parents of the newest Rimrocker, Benjamin Matthew. Ben arrived at 8:10pm o­n February 26, 2004. At 8 lbs. 9ozs. and 21 1/2 inches he will be ready for his first trail ride before you know it.

By tsm1 , 13 February, 2004

The Forest Service is planning an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to analyze a proposed travel and access management plan for the Whitetail-Pipestone area of Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest (Montana). This management plan will designate trails and roads for specific uses, including motorized and non-motorized recreation. Click here to read more.

Your input is important to ensure that the Forest Service understands the concerns and interests of responsible recreationists. ARRA encourages you to submit comments on the scope of the analysis by the submission deadline, March 15th. To read more about how to submit comments to Federal agencies, click here.

By FUN4X4 , 29 January, 2004

Cascade County 4 wheelers

Presents WINTER BAJA 2004

FEBRUARY 7, 2004








By tsm1 , 29 January, 2004

(WASHINGTON) - The Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources testified before a federal judge Monday that, "a ban on snowmobiles [in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks] would cost Wyoming 938 jobs and $11.8 million in lost labor income a year."