By tsm1 , 11 June, 2003

Steve Funk, President 406-257-3200
Fred Hodgeboom, Vice President 406-837-1363
Clarence Tabor, Board of Directors 406-892-3722

Teusday morning, June 10, Montanans For Multiple Use (MFMU) and 13 coplaintiffs have filed a lawsuit in Washington DC against the US Department of Agriculture, US Forest Service and numerous Federal personnel. The objective of the lawsuit is to stop the incremental shutdown of National Forests to public access and active professional management.

By tsm1 , 28 May, 2003

(aka: Getting the Attention of Bureaucrats and Politicians)

By Del Albright, BlueRibbon Ambassador

“You can’t convert a snake into a statesman by simply snipping his fangs; the instinct to bite will always be there!”

How on earth do you capture the attention of a bureaucrat so that your 4x4 letter doesn’t end up in the proverbial “stack” of unread letters? Perhaps it’s not fair to say unread; let’s say “sort of read but unheeded.”

By cabins , 5 May, 2003

We need your Help in keeping our forest open.

Here in the Helena National Forest we have a Ranger that is out to Restrict travel o­n more than 500 Roads and Trails in 558,300 acres of the Helena Forest.

The plan was released o­n 4-24-03 andiencludes all land around Helena, Linclon, Elliston, and the Belt Mountains.

I have started a web site to make it easy to veiw said plan as well as comment to the USDA FOREST SERVICE and our POLTICIANS.

Please take time to visit this site and get envoled, ask them to send you a copy of their plan.

And if you can help spread word please do, we need to stop this attack against our forest! Im new at this so any help would be great! This is a great site, thanks to all, keep those extremes down and dirty.


By RCURRIER , 22 April, 2003

Saturday, May 17th


  • TOW

Regestration: Friday May 16th 7:00PM - 8:00PM and Saturday May 17th 8:00AM - 10:00AM

Racing starts at 10:30AM

Gallatin County Fair Grounds - Motor Sports Park

Entry Fee $20 per driver/truck (one spotter allowed)
Free Spectator Admission!



seat belts, rear tow hook, helmet, battery tie down, gas cap, open top vehicles need roll bar, no loose objects.

Please bring everything you would bring o­n a regular trail ride - tow chains, clevis, tow strap, gloves, hi-lift jack, spare tire, etc.

For more information call - Brad @ 586-3671 or

By tsm1 , 21 April, 2003

Seattle,WA; April 21, 2003: At a news conference held outside the Seattle office of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pacific Legal Foundation today released its “Earth Day List of Top Environmental Lies,” providing factual evidence to counter false claims in five major areas.

* Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) Drivers Are Anti-Environment;

* The Endangered Species Act (ESA) Saves Species;

* “Smart Growth” Is Smart;

* President Bush Is Gutting Environmental Protections;
* Environmental Quality Is Declining.

By Bill , 15 April, 2003

Hello all
Trail rides are set for April 13th and 26th.
The destination for the trips is a mistery but they are meeting at BK in Laurel at 7:30 and Leaving at 8:00.
I will not be able to go on the 13th but probably the 26th.
PS... Just spent a week in MOAB and had an absolute blast. Hopefully a couple of people I was with will post some pictures.

By tsm1 , 4 April, 2003

Mud Bogs
April 12th, 2003
2579 Airport Road, Eureka, MT

Registration 8-12, Racing at 1pm.

1ST, 2ND, 3RD
80% Pay Back

Spectators: $5.00 per person
Racing: $20.00 per person, per class


KID’S ages 10-14 no drivers license allowed. $ 5.00 each, An adult must ride.

4&6 Cylinder 33” Tire 3 trucks make a class
Stock 33” Tire DOT approved
Sportsmen A 33” – 35” Tires DOT approved
Sportsmen B 36” –38” Tires DOT approved
Comp Mod 38” –44” Tires
X Open, any fuel allowed, and blowers

For more information contact
Cheryl Nelson 892-5484
Dave Armstrong 889-3010
Jennifer Powel 387-5404

By tsm1 , 2 April, 2003

Just a reminder, the club meeting is tonight.

Change of venue for this month - 7pm at the Helena High Cafeteria on Montana, across from Smith's.

We should be back to Mountain West next month..

Our thanks to Allison for arranging the meeting location.