By tsm1 , 17 March, 2003

You say you just didn't have the time to comment.

Now see what the other side does with the lack of comments from motorized.

Get involved or stay home because all the trails are closed!

By tsm1 , 13 March, 2003

Page 12, April 2003 issue, FourWheeler Magazine
"How can I join a four-wheeling club?"

That’s the question we get asked most frequently here at Four Wheeler, even more frequently than we’re asked, "What lift should I put on my truck?" So we’ve decided to do our best to answer it for everybody who has ever asked. We will publish the most complete guide to four-wheeling clubs that we can compile in an upcoming issue. Making this the most complete guide ever published is where you can help us. Please send us the following information:

By tsm1 , 11 March, 2003

The basic message is that your Club may be required to obtain a Special Use Authorization to make a run on USFS Roads, potentially demanding all of the requirements employed to mitigate and insure against environment impact, even if the event originates and is staged off the Forest.

*This would likely mean an end to responsible organized family trail-riding*

Comments are needed.

By Bill , 11 March, 2003

Hi All long time no update.(sorry)
We are having 2 trail rides this month.

On the 15th of Mar we are meeting at Laurel BK at 7:30 am and Leaving at 8:00 am. That trip will be to the Priors and we are meeting some people from Powell in Bridger.

The 2nd trip is on sunday the 23rd. We'll meet and leave at the same place in Laurel. Destination to be determined that morning.

These are Family oriented trail rides and guests are Welcome...


By tsm1 , 4 March, 2003

Due to a scheduling conflict at Mountain West, we had to change our meeting location this month (and next).

The meeting will be Wed, March 5th, at the Helena High Library, and we'll try to get started at 6:30 since we have a guest from the Forest Service.

For those that didn't have the extreme priviledge of attending HHS, it's on Montana Avenue, across the street from the Smiths Grocery Store.


By tsm1 , 28 February, 2003

Attention Motorized Users

Property owners have signed a petition to stop all motorized use of the Bear Canyon area and the County Commissioners will decide this issue at a meeting to be held at City Hall on the corner of Rouse and Main, in the basement meeting room Tuesday, March 4th, 9:00am. It is critical that supporters for motorized use attend and voice objection to this action. Commissioner Murdock is the main proponent of this action and he may be contacted at the County Courthouse, 3rd floor or by calling 582-3000.

By MichelleD , 18 February, 2003

_TPGreetings from Region 5.

We'd like to thank everyone for helping make the M4x4A Winter Baja 2003 a success. We had some racers, some spectators, and an overabundance of snow.

The race results are:

By tsm1 , 31 January, 2003

_TPOrlene Eklund passed away on January 29th. The funeral is Monday, February 3rd at the Lakeside Community Church. Please contact Cindy St. Clair for more information 883-3994. Though many of you probably didn't know Orlene very well you know and love her longtime soulmate Uncle Vic. He will need your support.