Frontier 4x4 Club

Helena, Montana's Frontier 4-Wheelers (DBA: Frontier 4x4 Club) was incorporated in [url=…] in the capitol of Montana.

Frontier 4x4 Club is a "Full Roster" member of the United Four Wheel Drive Association.

We are a family oriented club. We typically hold a trail ride one weekend a month, usually on Saturday But Sundays are not uncommon. Our regular meeting location for trail rides is in the parking lot at Murdoch's/McDonalds at Montana and Custer avenues. See our Facebook page or contact one of our officers for information on our next trail ride. We USUALLY meet at 8:30am for a ride but it is best to make sure. It can and does change every once in a while.

Everyone with a 4x4 is welcome. Please bring a vehicle in good condition, tow hooks front and rear, a tow strap, spare tire, along with your personal gear, lunch and appropriate attire. Remember, this is Montana and even in the middle of summer we may be wheeling in the snow! I was snowed on this August.

Fire extinguishers and CB radios are encouraged. We use CB Channel 4.

Club meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month, 7pm, at Pizza Ranch across from Lowes. Usually we're back past the soda fountain and the first room to the right.

Club dues are $50/yr, due in January. You must attend two meetings and one club function before you are eligible to join. Membership is by a majority vote of the current members in good standing.

The 2025 Officers are:
President: Tom Mandera
Vice President: Richard Hiltz
Secretary: Bernadine Strong
Treasurer: Charlene Kelly
RVP: Charlie Little


Older Bylaws

[url=]Frontier Stories[/url]
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