Get Involved Part2: The 5-Minute Activist

By tsm1 , 22 December, 2003

John Stewart
Sun, 21 Dec 2003 20:46:32 -0800
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Below is the second part of a series on getting involved and steps you can take.

Volunteers can be activists. More and more, members becoming activists for a few minutes a month are making a difference.
--Get Involved: Part 2: The 5-Minute Activist
By: John Stewart
Director, Environmental Affairs, United Four Wheel Drive Associations
Natural Resource Consultant, California Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs

Organizations such as United, Cal4Wheel, CORVA, SDORC, ASA and others exist because people care about their outdoor recreation opportunities. In the beginning, these organizations formed for social reasons which soon became political reasons to maintain outdoor recreation opportunities. These organizations exist because of volunteers. Volunteers are an integral part the success and effectiveness of any organization.

Volunteers can be activists. More and more, members becoming activists for a few minutes a month are making a difference.

There are many ways you can become involved for as little as 5 minutes a month. Please take a few minutes to look over the following list of opportunities. Activism is you being active in protecting your rights. Activism starts with ACT.

5 Minutes a Month --
-- Leave a copy of your club or association newsletter at work.
-- Put a note about your club activities in the company newsletter.
-- Call or send an e-mail to your elected official.
-- Write a contribution check to a political action fund.
-- On your next trail ride, stop and pick up a broken bottle or crushed can.

15 Minutes a Month --
-- Call new club members to welcome them and ask them to get involved.
-- Write a "Dear Legislator" letter on a critical issue.
-- Write a Letter to a public official to preserve recreation opportunities.
-- Write a Letter to the Editor about recreation issues.
-- Leave your campsite cleaner than you found it.

1-2 Hours a Month --
-- Write several letters to representatives and editors.
-- Get to know your local legislator.
-- Become more active in your local club.
-- Take membership applications and newsletters to libraries and stores.
-- Attend a local Planning Board meeting.
-- Attend a BLM or Forest Service Public Comment meeting.

3-5 Hours a Month --
-- Join a campaign to clean up a campsite or trail.
-- Participate in a club or association committee.
-- Work with the political committee to elect recreation supportive candidates to office.
-- Volunteer on a phone bank.
-- Work at a community outreach booth on a weekend.
-- Take a friend on a club or association outing.

John Stewart
Director, Environmental Affairs
United Four Wheel Drive Associations,
Natural Resource Consultant
California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs,
Recreation Access and Conservation Editor,
Moderator, MUIRNet - Multiple Use Information Resource Network