May 15 Families for Outdoor Recreation Rally in Bozeman

By tsm1 , 5 May, 2004

To all Montana outdoor recreation groups:

This is a reminder of the recreation summit being held on Saturday, May 15,
hosted by Families For Outdoor Recreation. In addition to the original agenda,
we are also excited to announce that Brian Hawthorne, Blue Ribbon Coalition
Public Lands Director, will also be joining us.

Please plan to attend this informative meeting, which will help connect
outdoor recreation groups together with a common theme and purpose.

Here are the details of the summit meeting:
When: May 15, 9am - 5pm
Where: Mackenzie River Pizza, 409 West Main St, Belgrade MT

Please RSVP to Bob Stevenson in Bozeman at, or 406-585-8252.

For more information about Families For Outdoor Recreation, please contact Ed
Melcher at 406-651-9244 or Mark Kary at 406-248-9170, or check the web site