January 22nd Run to Occidental

By tsm1 , 27 January, 2005

January 22nd, 2005 Frontier had their second club run of 2005.

We assembled at County Market around 9am. The Mandera in a Scout II, the LaTulips in the Blazer, the Miskos in a Bronco n' F-pickup, guest Scott Klein his is Dodge 250, and [] Lamping in an Explorer.

By 9:30 we managed to get on the road and headed south on I-15 to take the Jefferson City exit.

Our first route was past the tunnel and up into Woodchute.

Scott struggled just getting to the bottom of the first long icy hill.

While he fought the 37psi in his tires, the rest of us aired down.

Misko made it up the icy hill first, then Tom followed..

The Explorer made it up on the second or third try, but Scott was hesitant to try his luck, and we all turned back and trucked back past the tunnel and almost to Wickes, then turned up the main road to Occidental Plateau.

Back on the main road, we wound up at what looked like another dead end.

Tom pulled up to a spot where the snow had drifted completely across the trail, on a side hill, with a long downhill slide.

Before turning around, he decided to give it a go and see if any progress could be made..

The going was a little tough at first, but some help from a few shovels and lots of back-up and tries again resulted in progress being made..

Doug Misko forced his way through next..

..then got the strap...

Scott even made it through, eventually, on the end of a rope..

Dennis came last in his K5, and had to make things exciting and let his Locker do the walking..

So he got the rope, too.. good thing someone brought a Tractor along..

After a few good tugs and a lot of concern, the big K5 swung around perpendicular to the road, then popped back up on the road..

What a nice view!

Tom forced his way up the rest of the snow packed n' icy trail to "Scout" ahead, making it up to the top and the overlook over the mine.

There was VERY little snow in what should've been a big snow cover field..

Tom then doubled back to pull some more rigs up the hill.. these were taken with the new telephoto lens..

Tom backed down the hill and hooked up to the Explorer, but the TTB front end made a good plow, and the snow as just too deep. After repeated attempts to drag the little Ford up the hill, Tom blew a LF locking hub, and the day's fun was over. We turned around and motored back down to Wickes, aired up, and headed home.

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