Skyliners January newsletter

By JoeRoss , 14 January, 2002

It looks like all enjoyed the holidays!

So with that announcement, LET’S GO PLAY SOME UP IN THE HILLS!

Looks like we will be going to Lake Mary Ronan, on Jan. 20, 2002. We will meet at the Horseshoe at 9:30A.M.

As we travel north, we will pick up anyone that is going with us for the day. Of course there is a stay warm tailgate potluck planned. Taco soup is on the menu, so bring something to go with it. Also there is going to be, hot cocoa and hot apple cider, to help warm you up. If in question of what to bring call Jan 8833446 or Mickie 6763268, maybe we can give you an idea.

One thing not to forget is the sleds! Hopefully, we will find some snow. So let’s have some fun!

At our meeting, we have discussed the proposal, for State Convention to be held over again. Rob, has gathered up all the information for the proposal, and it will be presented at the Delegates meeting, in Helena on Jan. 19.

So here is hoping the Skyliner’s can get the east to meet the west!!

We would like to say WELCOME to , two new members, Curtis Ward and Stephanie St. Clair.

Just a note of thanks, to the Brown family for the wonderful place to have a Christmas party. It was sure nice to see a lot of people there. It was a good time and fine eating, thanks so much.

Lost but not forgotten, is the Birthdays for January. We have Joe Ross and Stephanie St. Clair.


Do hope to see you trail riding this next weekend!!! So long for now.

Thanks, Mickie