Petition in Support of Congressional Oversight Hearing on Proposed Gallatin N.F.

By tsm1 , 2 May, 2005

Please pass the message to get people to sign on to this petition. The
petition will be autoforwarded to the following on May 31, 2005.
MT Representative Denny Rehberg
MT Senator Conrad Burns
MT Senator Max Baucus
CA Representative Richard Pombo (Chairman of the US House Resources

The following is a petition hosted by e-thePeople. If you want to sign
this petition, follow the link at the bottom of this email.Support Congressional Oversight Hearing on Proposed Gallatin N.F. Travel
To: Dennis Rehberg, Rep., US (MT AL); Max Baucus, Sen., US (MT); Conrad
Burns, Sen., US (MT); Richard Pombo, Rep., US (CA 11)

We the undersigned support the action by Representative Rehberg in calling
for a Congressional oversight hearing on the Proposed Gallatin National
Forest Travel Plan by the House Committee on Resources. It is absolutely
necessary for our Representatives to dig deeper into this Travel Plan to
get full disclosure of the reason for the prescribed restrictions to
multiple-use access. The goal of the special interests is to create a
vast "wilderness corridor" referred to as the "Yellowstone to Yukon
Conservation Initiative". The Y2Y Study Area stretches from the north at
Ft. Good Hope in the Yukon Territory, across western Canada, most of
Idaho, the western half of Montana, and south beyond Jackson Hole. This
initiative including a map of the corridor can be seen in the "Y2Y Atlas"
at Investigate this Y2Y Initiative to see the plan for
your favorite hunting, fishing, camping or other multiple-use areas. Their
intent is to prevent development and choke down public access into this
corridor, eventually turning the area into "Wilderness". Please sign onto
this petition so that we can collectively take a stand and protect our
rights to access to public lands before those rights become history.

To sign this petition, visit: