By tsm1 , 16 May, 2005

United Four Wheel Drive Associations was one of 24 national organizations uniting in one voice urging Congress to fund the recreational trails program at all-time high levels.

The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) is a federal program that funds motorized and non-motorized trail grants at the state level. Each state receives a portion of the multi-million dollar program to fund grants for both motorized and non-motorized trail projects.
United, and 23 other organizations, signed a letter prepared by the Coalition for Recreation Trails requesting the House of Representatives pass H.R. 3 to fund the RTP. The House has already passed the bill and if the Senate passes the bill $70 million will be available for trail projects in 2005.

The amount available for grants rises each year from 2004 to 2009 with $110 million available in 2009. 30% of all grants must be used for motorized trail projects. That’s over $21 million available for motorized trails in 2005 and $24 million in 2006.

“United was honored to take part in this cooperative venture with so many other important and notable organizations”, stated Carla Boucher, well-known attorney for United. “The Coalition for Recreational Trails did an outstanding job of orchestrating this huge effort”, Boucher went on to say.

Please contact your Senators today asking them to match the funding level of the House bill.

A copy of the letter signed by the 24 organizations is available on the United website at www.ufwda.org.

United Four Wheel Drive Associations is an international organization of four wheel drive enthusiasts dedicated to conservation of our public lands and enjoyment of the outdoors. For more information contact United at www.ufwda.org , 1-800-44-UFWDA, 7135 S. PR Royal Springs Dr., Shelbyville, IN 46176.