Magic City 4 Wheelers June Meeting Minutes

By mh , 13 June, 2005

June 6, 2005Vernon Ball called meeting to order at 6:36
Special Guest: Ross Lehner introduced
Secretary’s report
- Winch book’s function and purpose explained
- Mike now has access on to post information in our local chapter. Trail rides, meeting minutes and MC4W announcements will be posted on the website for easier use by all members.
Treasurer’s report
- Account balances listed, (most) bills presented & approved.
- Dues are due last month – please get them in ASAP.
-“What your membership dues do”
Mark explained what the dues go to each year.
- Everyone is invited to camp at the Rally Friday and Saturday.
- Next meeting on July 11 due to 4th of July Holiday.
VP Report
- Correspondence passed around
RVP Report
- Upcoming trailrides & events announced
- Pryor conservation trip, June 12. Meet at Jans IGA at 0800 and leave at 0830
- Memorial Day, May 27-30, Upper Whitetail Campground
- Pickett Pin, Jun 18-19, Meet at Jans IGA at 0800 and leave at 0830
- Goose Lake (TOPS OFF), July 29-31, Up Clarks Fork Canyon (Morrison Jeep Trail) to Cooke City and spend the night. Saturday trip to Goose lake and also to Lake Abundance on Sunday
Trial Masters Report –
- A small group went to boulder river/road area. Lots of fun was had, Aaron almost tipped over trying to pass a big log.
- New trail rides are going to plan further in advance, 3-4 campouts per summer season . Other events to promote camaraderie such as campouts or BBQ’s
- Trail Master is now responsible for winch fund & winch book.
Our upcoming trail rides & events:
- Cooke City, July 1-4, Magic City Run, Past years we have run to Lake Abundance, Round Lake and testing the snow
conditions (haven't made it to Goose Lake yet)
- July 30 & 31 – Benbow conservation – Adopt a Trail – Contact Lloyd.
- August 13th – Overnight at Iron Mountain in Benbow area – Contact Mark
- Bmp fun day 10am
- Rimrocker’s Tops Off Trip – to Goose Lake – July 30th Overnight
- Benbow camping issues will be answered by Lloyd, also may be a conservation trip
Conservation Report
No news
Bills for rally expenses presented, motion made by Carol to pay, Vern seconds.
Rally expenses: approximately $5,100 as of 6/6
We started selling advertising for Rally stuff, and have income from these sponsors:
- TireRama donated tires with a value up to $1,500 that we’ll raffle off
- AutoWorks sponsored $2,000
- Thrifty Nickel sponsored $600 in advertising
- KCTR sponsored some advertising
- A few other sponsors of $250 and $600
For a grand total almost $6,000 in sponsorship!
- Army reserves will be there, may bring big truck to pull mud runners out of the mud
- Nissan, Toyota, Chevy, possibly Hummers on display there
- 6:45am Saturday morning – staff-meeting for those who are going to be staff at rally Staff gets orange shirts Head table is “Officials” at rally, If you’re a club member, sign in with the Jaycees to get in.
- Joe working to get 5 or so blown-alcohol paddle-tired rigs to run the mud and put on a show.
- September – sand drags, rock crawl, Joe knows a guy w/ 3500 horsepower sand rail and 15 buddies who may come down and put on a show.
- Dog Show week before rally – need volunteer help – it’s bringing in $1,200 to club
New Business
- New members – Ross was voted in, Congratulations
- Bleachers – need a bolting party to bolt them all together. Bleachers will be built at BMP – on Sunday the 12th at 9am
- June 18th 9am– going out to BMP to build the pit and get things setup . Willard will run the grader; plans will be made to use the excavator to dig the pit.
Continuing or old business
- More rally discussion…. Some rules for the obstacle course were discussed – 5-point harnesses are a MUST unless it’s your first time out AND you have a full hardtop. 2nd year, 5 point harness is a must. Passengers who will also be racing are not allowed, unless they’ve run their last run. Don mentioned that requiring 5 points will alienate those don’t have them and have raced in the past. Dale mentioned that a 5-point has ALWAYS been a must.
- Next Rally planning meeting, Monday June 13th 6:30pm at O’Haras
- Birthdays & anniversaries announced.
- Next meeting date set: July 11th.
- Roger motioned to adjourn the meeting, Dale seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm