August 1, 2005 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 13 August, 2005

Magic City 4 Wheelers
August 1 Meeting MinutesMark Kary called to order at 6:30pm
Special Guest: Mike Ruger
Secretaries Report: July minutes are printed on back of agenda – motion made by Roger to accept as printed, Mark seconded, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report:
Balance: $1922.86
Dog Shoe & Dues: $1190
Rally: $1390.46
Winch fund: No change: $1469
Savings: No change: 8582.80
Petty Cash: $3.50

Rally report: Profit :$4171.24 Thanks to everyone who helped make this event a success.
Stacy motions to accept treasurer’s report, Roger seconds, motion approved

VP Absent, RVP Absent

Trailmasters report:
Aaron would like to get a trial ride to a new area in Sept or October. Suggestions?
August 13th Benbow area ride – anyone want to go call or email Mike Hines
August 27-28th – Trail ride to Little Belt area
Camp at Roberts Creek at Judith gap, just before Judith Gap, gravel road to the left (west) 12 miles down, follow sign to forest service.
Divide ride recap was had. A few members went and had a blast. There was 125 Rigs there, over 300 people. Next year is already in planning for ’06 in Leadore Idaho.

Conservation: Trip was canceled and not communicated well. Tom Henry showed up and worked by himself. Thanks Tom!
No need to reschedule because of Toms work!
Carol made a motion to accept the Blue Ribbon banner that is being given to us as part of our membership, Bill Springer seconded, motion passed.

Delegates report:
July Delegates meeting minutes are published in the August 4XForum
Next delegates meeting 10/8 in Clancy, MT

Sept Rally:
Lots of stuff still needs to be done to the rocks. Roger’s going out 8/6 to do some work. Volunteers needed to help at the rally.
We need someone to help take care of Pepsi posters. Aaron stepped forward to help.. Get with Vern before proceeding to coordinate.
Next rally meeting: August 29, at O’Haras at 6:30
BMP: Bill has met with some big rock crawlers for advice on our course and how we should finish it up. As it is the course will be pretty tough if you have open diffs, but if you have lockers and a good spotter you should do fine, but you will scrape diffs or rockers. Each run has 10 minutes to complete during competition.

FFOR: Ed talked about the Ride to the Slide, trail ride to Meeteesee, free camping, at 10 there’s a parade. There will be an ATV rodeo at the fair grounds as well. Today was the last day for the Gallatin travel plan, but they’re looking for extension. We need to all get involved because a year from now we could have far fewer places to go.
An area of the little belts has a large closure that has been said to be “final” by the ranger in Great Falls.
Mark mentiond that we should invite a FS ranger along on a ride with us. Mark will make a point to get a FS Rep on a few of our rides, including the ride to the slide.

Mike Makousky was introduced as a special guest – he came in late.

Carol made a motion to donate $200 ($100 per day) to the Jaycees for helping at the June rally, Roger seconded, motion passed.

Aaron’s wedding Friday the 12th at the Elks at 7pm Anyone can show up. Food & Beer, Music. It will be fun.
Eddie & Janelle got married yesterday (7/31)
Due to Labor Day, September meeting TUESDAY 9/6
Roger motioned to adjourn at 7:39pm, Carol seconded. Motion passed