October Meeting Minutes

By mh , 5 October, 2005

October 3, 2005Vern called the meeting to order at 6:37
Special guests: Eric Henry and Brian Casteel
Sec Report: Tom motions to accept minutes as read, Stacy seconds, motion passed
Treasurers report:
Account balances were read and the discrepancy from last month with the savings was clarified.
Rally Income:
Expenses: $2828.63
(Toilet price was clarified - the misunderstanding was the price for 1 day was confused with the cost for both days.)
Income: $4,315 (after gate cash)
Net: $1486.87
Thanks to all those who put it on, especially Roger & Stacey.
Stacey motions to accept the report, Vern seconds… Motion passes
VP Report:
No new stuff.
RVP Report:
Les suggested that we have a Swap meet soon.
Trailmaster Report:
Mark & Doug Kary are going to Morrison on Saturday, 10/8.
Meet at Laurel Burger King at 7:30am, leave at 8.
Some conservation may be done so come prepared.
Trail ride reports:
- A ride went up to Roberts Creek, Carol, Dale & the 2 guests introduced earlier went up over twin sisters…. The weather was great.
- Morrison Conservation: by 9:30 nobody had come, so Les headed back. But on his they ran into 2 rigs from the Rimrock Club. They all went back and got to the trail head at 11. They worked on a few water blocks. The fog was very thick
Delegates Report:
Meeting on Saturday in Clancy.
Dale motions to discuss Billings hosting the Convention again in April. Carol seconds, motion passes.
Rally report: Races went well. The rock crawl had 11 rigs. A few entrants thought it was a race and blew tires while running the course.
BMP: BMP is talking about putting on 3 mud bogs next year, 2 days of drags, 2 days of rock crawling, baja and obstacle course next year. They’d offer us $1000 per event to just show up and work.
Les motions to donate $200 and thank you letter to the rimrock club for the help at the past rallies, Roger seconds, motion passes.
- Carol showed a proposed license plate that a kid drew up for Ed. They are very nice and some modifications will be made and presented again.
New Business/Members:
-Saturday Nov 5, Halloween Party at McCabes at 6:30pm
-The 2 special guests were voted in. Welcome to the club!
- Willard put a bug in our ear to help work the haunted house for the Jaycees. It’s at the Pelican truck plaza on Laurel Rd. If interested, contact Willard.
Next meeting, have your nominations for awards (4 wheeler of the year and such).
Roger motions to adjourn at 7:40. Carol seconded, meeting adjourned.
Next Meeting: November 7th, 6:30pm at Oharas