URGENT Travel Plan meeting in Billings 11/8/2005

By mh , 4 November, 2005

All ATV and Trail bike riders, 4x4 users, hunters, prospectors, Back Country horsemen, snowmobilers, all other motorized users,
If you ride or want to ride the Little Belts Mountains, Castle Mountains or
Crazy Mountains, you need to come to this meeting.Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Knights of Columbus
2216 Grand Ave • Billings, Montana
Stop by anytime between 3:00 - 10:00pm

We will help you make meaningful written comments on the PROPOSED Travel Plan. Your written comments are CRITICAL!! for these mountain ranges.
It will only take 15 minutes of your time.

For more information call Tom at 652-3942 or Bryan at 248-5215 or Bob Cardwell at 259-6032

(Source: An advertisement in the 11/3/05 Billings Thrifty Nickel)