US Sen. Conrad Burns will hold a Field Hearing to gather info

By tsm1 , 12 November, 2005

and discuss the forest plan revision process.

When: Friday, December 2, 2005 – 10:30 a.m.
Where: University of Montana – College of Technology
Health and Business Building Room 01
909 South Avenue West
Missoula, MT 59801

MISSOULA – U.S. Senator Conrad Burns (R-Mont.) today announced that he will
be holding a field hearing in Missoula to gather information and discuss
the forest plan revision process in Region One of the Forest Service.
Burns, who is Chairman of the Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee,
has several concerns about how this process is moving forward. The hearing
will be open to the public, and Burns encourages all interested parties to

Burns’ hearing, entitled “Challenges and Opportunities in Region One Forest
Planning” will be held on December 2nd on the campus of Montana College of
Technology. To provide a contribution to the public understanding of how
the Forest Service’s planning decisions are made and whether they are
consistent with the multiple use mandate, Burns will be inviting Forest
Service Chief Dale Bosworth to offer both his expertise and testimony.

“Unlike other federal land management agencies, the Forest Service has a
clear multiple-use mandate. I am not convinced that the Forest Service is
following this mandate when it makes critical decisions during the planning
process on how forests in Montana will be managed,” said Burns.

He continued, “I have received numerous inquiries and complaints from my
constituents about the agency further limiting public access by closing
established roads and trails, recommending large new areas for wilderness
designations, and lowering timber harvests to levels that will cripple
local economies. It is my intention to pursue these issues at this hearing
and receive testimony from a broad array of stakeholder groups including
the Forest Service, wilderness advocates, the timber industry, and
motorized access users.”

The “Challenges and Opportunities in Region One Forest Planning” field
hearing will be held:

When: December 2, 2005 – 10:30 a.m.
Where: University of Montana – College of Technology
Health and Business Building Room 01
909 South Avenue West
Missoula, MT 59801

More information can be found on Burns website by calling his office at
(800) 344-1513.

We are taking buses from Billings on Fri DEC 2 and leaving at 1 am to return at 9 PM!

More information to follow!
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