November Meeting Minutes

By mh , 14 November, 2005

November 7, 2005Vern called to order 6:35
Special Guests:
- Tom Parker, president of Treasure State ATV club is a special guest, and will be going over Tomorrow’s FS meeting.
- Dean Christiaens, Publisher of Racer’s Edge Magazine
Secretaries Report:
- Tom Henry motions to accept last months minutes as printed on back of Agenda, Dale seconds, motion passes
Treasurer’s Report:
- Account balances read, Bills presented.
Mark asks for a motion to donate $200 to help with advertising the Little Belts meeting tomorrow. Dale makes a motion, Roger seconds, motion passes.
RVP Report:
- Gene Anderson stopped at FS to talk about the comments, and he was given a Little Belt/Castle map with ink changes,
When he went to the restroom and when he came back the map was gone, and when offered another map that one didn’t have the ink changes. Keep your eyes out for this map.
- Swap meet at S. 27th Car Quest in the spring, date TBA
Tom Parker’s Presentation:
The forest service wants to close a lot of areas in those 3 ranges and limit times
We want to make the proposed trail closures & re-designations “Mixed Traffic” instead
The purpose for this meeting is to help create USEFULL comments… comments that the FS will actually read & consider.
On the comments you make, make it specific to your club and what you want/need, and why you want/need it.
Dean’s Presentation:
He covered both rallies this year. The magazine covers all racing related events in the state of Montana, and the articles are in great detail. To keep the magazine going, we need support by subscribing and advertising the magazine. Please subscribe (subscription forms are attached) and help support this great publication that is supporting the motor sports industry. Also, if you have pictures or trail rides or events you want in the magazine call him, send him pictures, they’ll run it.
New Trail Rides:
Sunday the 13th, trail ride to Iron Mountain. Meet in Laurel at 7:30am at Burger King
Xmas Tree/Chili Run, Sunday December 4th, Laurel burger king at 7:30, to the Pryors. Get your tree permit at Custer National Service building in the Heights.
Trail Reports:
Morrison trip, Mark had a broken spring on his jeep at the top of the switch backs. Otherwise everyone had a great time.
Conservation: No news
Delegates Teports:
- Race rules meeting decided on the state rules for Mud Bugs. Obstacles are points races, $20 buy in. Questionnaires were sent out, only half were returned. Results discussed later.
- January Delegates meeting will be in Laurel at Laurel Ford
- Convention planning – War Bonnet no longer serves food, but will allow us to be catered. Holiday Inn sounds like they’d be interested in an offer as well. We must have our bid done by the January Delegates meeting. More to come next month.
Questionnaire results were gone over. See attached results.
Please show up at the Knights of Columbus on the 8th for the comment period. It’s crucial!
New Business:
- Christmas party, plans were started. Dale makes motion that the club buys the Christmas party meals? Motion passes. We’ll have more details at the December meeting.
- Thanks to Eddie & Janelle for donating money from the monster truck show back to the club. Janelle thanks all those who helped put it on.
- Nominations were made:
4 Wheeler: Ed Melcher, Vern Ball, Don McCabe
Hard Luck: Mark Kary, Lloyd Riemann
Most Sucks:
Worst Stuck: Robyn McCabe, Vern Ball
Old Business:
- For Sale: 1975 Suburban 4x4, $950. Contact Vern if interested.
Roger motions to adjourn, Mariann seconds, meeting adjourned at 7:55pm
Next meeting Monday, December 5, 2005