December 2005 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 11 December, 2005

December 5, 2005Vern called meeting to order at 6:30
No special guests tonight.
Secretary's Report:
Stacey motions to accept report as printed on back of agenda, Marianne seconds, motion passes.
Treasurer's Report/Correspondence:
Blue Ribbon: If you want to join it’s half price for MC4W Members
-Letter from ATV showing costs of Comment writing, where money went.
-Bills presented, balances read,
-Motion made by Stacey to accept Treasurer's report, Seconded by Roger, Motion passes
RVP Report:
Vern Filled in for Les at Rimrock Meeting, They thanked us for the $200 donation
Trailmaster's Report:
Lloyd brought up having a committee and a separate meeting to plan out the year of over-night trail rides for the coming summer.
First meeting at 6pm next Monday the 12th At O'Hara's
New Trail Rides:
We will join Rimrock rides on December 18 and the January 1st. Rides meet at Jan's IGA at 8am, depart at 8:30 am
Trail Ride Report(s):
Pryors 12-4 Christmas Tree Run: 17 rigs, ~50 people and 44 cans of chili. Everything from stock suburbans to modified w/ 40” Tires. Lots of deep drifts were found and everybody who wanted a tree got theirs.
Iron Mountain 11/13: Nobody could get through because there wasn’t much more than 33” tires. It was So windy that it slammed Brian’s hood into his windshield. They saw 30 Big Horn sheep (ewes & kids) too.
Conservation reports:
No new stuff
Delegates Report:
Delegates Meeting in January, Vern & Dale will have the presentation for th Convention ready at the January Meeting.
Dale mentioned that it’s a great experience at a Delegates meeting and those who can should attend. It’s good to know what’s going on in the state club.
March 10-12 Motor Madness car show at the Billings Convention Center
We should look to start setting Rally Dates here pretty soon and decide if we’re doing 1 or 2. More discussion in January
FFOR: Very active this month. There was 300-400 high quality written comments at the Knights of Columbus on the 8th of Nov.
We have until the 16th of Dec to give written comments to Burns about the Hearing in Missoula. Burns grilled the MWA and the head of the Forest Service and asked very good questions. The place was packed with 500 people, estimated 60/40 division of Off Road Pros and Wilderness Activists, and it was front page news in the Missoulian the next day.
New/Continuing Business:
Christmas party: Saturday January 14th with Trail Ride before. Carol motions to have party at Laurel Golf Course, Roger seconds, Motion passes
Mark requested a spending limit on dinner. Carol motions to set the amend the motion last month about the club buying dinner to set the spending limit at $20 per person., Dale Seconds, motion passes by a 12/7 count. Discussion ensued, more ideas come about. Aaron now motions to revoke the last motion, remove the limit and just pay the bill at the end. Roger Seconds. Motion passes. If you want to come to the Christmas party, come to the January meeting to place your order. If you cannot come to the January Meeting, call Carol Reimann at 947-5750. If you do not place you order in time, you cannot eat because they won’t have it made. Adult & Children's menus will be mailed out later in December.
Tom & Mariann Henry were added to 4Wheeler of the year nomination list.
Mike & Dawn Hines were added to the Hard Luck nomination list.
Whoever won the awards last year need to make this years awards that will be presented at the Christmas Party.
Carol will get the plaques for the awards
We’re starting the process to amend the bylaws to move the election of Officers to earlier in the year. More discussion in January.
Dale motions to adjourn, Roger 2nds, Motion Passes and meeting is adjourn at 7:55pm.
Next Meeting Jan 2 6:30 O'Haras.