January 2006, Meeting minutes

By mh , 5 January, 2006

January 2006Vern called meeting to order at 6:35pm
Special Guest: Eric Henry’s father Roger.
Jan 2, 2006 Meeting Minutes:
Vern called meeting to order at 6:35pm
Special Guest: Eric Henry’s father Roger.
Secretary’s Report:
Stacy motions to accept last month’s minutes as printed on the back of the agenda, Tom seconds, motion passes.
Treasurer’s report:
Balances were read. Motion made by Stacey to accept account balances, Dale seconds, motion passes.
No bills were presented, and only a few receipts for stamps, copies, etc were submitted.
VP Report: Nothing new.
Correspondence: Nothing of value – just some junk mail.
RVP: Les is absent, no report.
Trailmaster Report:
- New trail rides:
- Jan 8 – Benbow – Meet at 7:30 at Burger King in Laurel, leave at 8am.
- A vote was taken to have a short trail ride before the Christmas Party on Jan 14, Vote passes
Jan 14 – Possibly to the Pryors on Sat Jan 14th Meet at Burger King at 7:30am, leave promptly at 8.
Will be back in time for party.
- Jan 29th – Exploring in the Snowy Mountains. Meet in Broadview at 7:30, leave at 8am.
All M4X4A Delegate meeting attendees are invited to join.
- Trail Ride reports:
- 14 Rigs went on 1/1 to Bain Bridge ride. Everybody had fun, lots of stucks but everyone got out. A couple
straps were broke and will be replaced from the winch fund.
- The ride on the 18th with the Rimrockers – nobody but Joe showed up, so the run didn’t go.
Delegates Report:
The meeting is 1/28 at 10:00 am at Laurel Ford (upstairs). The meeting is open so feel free to attend.
Christmas Party:
January 14, Laurel Golf Course after the Trail Ride. No Host Cocktails start at 4pm, Dinner at 5pm. If you have not got your order for dinner in, call Carol Reimann at 947-5750 by Sunday the 8th.
If you don’t get your order in by the 8th of January, you won’t be able to eat at the party.
Don’t forget to bring a $4.44 Gift (Men buy for women, women buy for men, kids for kids) Make sure to specify Male or Female and age group on the kids gifts.)
Those who got the awards last year must make the awards for this year.
- Mud bog is a go on the last weekend in June. A motion was made to have a 2-day rock crawling rally this year on the 2nd weekend. The motion passed. Roger will chair both Rally committees, and the rest of the rally committee members are as follows: Tom Henry, Eddie Smith, Janel Smith, and Vern Ball
FFOR: No new information
New Business:
- Since nobody but the Hines and Joe Coombs showed up at the last Trail Ride Committee meeting on 12/12, we will try another one next Monday (1/9). The meeting will be at 6pm at O’Hara’s. The committee will plan out the overnight trail rides for this summer.
- Nominations for office open in March, final nominations and voting in April.
Continuing Business:
Final award nominees are as follows:
4WOTY: Ed Melcher, Vern Ball, Don McCabe, Tom Henry, Bill Springer, Les Hergenrider
Hard Luck: Mark Kary, Marianne Henry, Lloyd Reimann, Mike & Dawn Hines
Most Stucks: Robin McCabe, Aaron Johnson, Les Hergenrider, Jeff Gray
Worst Stuck: Robin McCabe, Vern Ball
Voting took place by ballot, and the winners will be announced at the Christmas Party on January 14.
Old Business: None
Roger makes a motion to adjourn, Mark seconds. Motion passes and meeting is adjourned at 7:32pm
Secretary’s Report:
Stacy motions to accept last month’s minutes as printed on the back of the agenda, Tom seconds, motion passes.
Treasurer’s report:
Balances were read. Motion made by Stacey to accept account balances, Dale seconds, motion passes.
No bills were presented, and only a few receipts for stamps, copies, etc were submitted.
VP Report: Nothing new.
Correspondence: Nothing of value – just some junk mail.
RVP: Les is absent, no report.
Trailmaster Report:
- New trail rides:
- Jan 8 – Benbow – Meet at 7:30 at Burger King in Laurel, leave at 8am.
- A vote was taken to have a short trail ride before the Christmas Party on Jan 14, Vote passes
Jan 14 – Possibly to the Pryors on Sat Jan 14th Meet at Burger King at 7:30am, leave promptly at 8.
Will be back in time for party.
- Jan 29th – Exploring in the Snowy Mountains. Meet in Broadview at 7:30, leave at 8am.
All M4X4A Delegate meeting attendees are invited to join.
- Trail Ride reports:
- 14 Rigs went on 1/1 to Bain Bridge ride. Everybody had fun, lots of stucks but everyone got out. A couple
straps were broke and will be replaced from the winch fund.
- The ride on the 18th with the Rimrockers – nobody but Joe showed up, so the run didn’t go.
Delegates Report:
The meeting is 1/28 at 10:00 am at Laurel Ford (upstairs). The meeting is open so feel free to attend.
Christmas Party:
January 14, Laurel Golf Course after the Trail Ride. No Host Cocktails start at 4pm, Dinner at 5pm. If you have not got your order for dinner in, call Carol Reimann at 947-5750 by Sunday the 8th.
If you don’t get your order in by the 8th of January, you won’t be able to eat at the party.
Don’t forget to bring a $4.44 Gift (Men buy for women, women buy for men, kids for kids) Make sure to specify Male or Female and age group on the kids gifts.)
Those who got the awards last year must make the awards for this year.
- Mud bog is a go on the last weekend in June. A motion was made to have a 2-day rock crawling rally this year on the 2nd weekend. The motion passed. Roger will chair both Rally committees, and the rest of the rally committee members are as follows: Tom Henry, Eddie Smith, Janel Smith, and Vern Ball
FFOR: No new information
New Business:
- Since nobody but the Hines and Joe Coombs showed up at the last Trail Ride Committee meeting on 12/12, we will try another one next Monday (1/9). The meeting will be at 6pm at O’Hara’s. The committee will plan out the overnight trail rides for this summer.
- Nominations for office open in March, final nominations and voting in April.
Continuing Business:
Final award nominees are as follows:
4WOTY: Ed Melcher, Vern Ball, Don McCabe, Tom Henry, Bill Springer, Les Hergenrider
Hard Luck: Mark Kary, Marianne Henry, Lloyd Reimann, Mike & Dawn Hines
Most Stucks: Robin McCabe, Aaron Johnson, Les Hergenrider, Jeff Gray
Worst Stuck: Robin McCabe, Vern Ball
Voting took place by ballot, and the winners will be announced at the Christmas Party on January 14.
Old Business: None
Roger makes a motion to adjourn, Mark seconds. Motion passes and meeting is adjourned at 7:32pm