February 2006 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 24 February, 2006

February 6, 2006Vern called meeting to order 6:35pm Feb 6, 2006.
Special guests:
Chris & Donna Dutton, Peter Kringle , Kevin McGee, Vince Berkhardt, Sam Jenkins
Secretary’s Report:
Stacy motions to accept minutes as printed on agenda, Joe 2nds, motion carries
Treasurers Report:
Balances read.
Stacy motions to accept treasurer’s report, Joe seconds, motion carries.
RVP Report:
- Rimrockers to Clarks Fork Canyon Feb 12, meet 8, leave 8:30
- Possible trip to the Black Hills. Date TBD, Contact Les if interested
- Swap meet may 6 after convention, car quest on S27th
- Les is stepping down as RVP, we need a volunteer to attend the Rimrock meetings and ours and correspond between.
Trailmaster Report
New Rides?
Feb 25th Location TBD, meet at BK at 7:30
Pryors 1/14/06
- Only 1 rig didn’t get stuck at least once.
Snowys 1/29/06:
- Pictures at http://ebonlore.org/jeep/
- 30+ Stucks, the snow was like sand and wouldn’t pack down. We made it a total of 3 miles round trip.
Conservation trips planned for Benbow on June 10 & 11, and Morrison on August 5 & 6
Delegates Reports:
Minutes from delegates meeting will be printed in the next 4xForum
- Need to have some fencing done around rock course.
- Discussing having a booth at the MORE show, BMP wants to know if we want to help and have video & pictures, Prices are between $425 and 525
- Motion made to find out if we would have enough people to man the booth, and there was a good showing.
- Motion by Doug Kary made to pay $100 towards the booth. Stacy seconded, motion carries.
- Rally Meeting after tonight’s meeting to discuss
- Motion made to give $100 to the rally committee to the state to make the obstacle course a points race per state race rules
- United is involved with a lawsuit to keep the lands open.
- The license plate is moving forward and will be a fund raiser to help keep lands open.
- Blue Ribbon’s Lawyer is having a meeting in Missoula, Contact Ed if interested.
- Joe makes motion to send money to the state organization to help forward it on to the cause to get the license plate moving forward. Discussion followed. Doug Kary amended the motion send $1,000 to the FFOR for the plates, with the understanding that we may recover it, but there is a risk. Motion carries.
- Snowmobile exhibition & drag race in Red Lodge Feb 25 – looking for help, contact Ed if interested.
State Convention:
Vern & Stacey needs help at the convention. It will be a Hawaiian theme this year. If anyone who can help, please contact Vern.
New Meeting Place:
Elks Club – No dinners, but they could cater a sandwich bar for $7/person, No charge for room, small fee for cleanup.
War Bonnet – $15 room fee, no food.
IHOP – No Fee, seat 45, and a meeting room
Muzzleloader – non-smoking room, no fee
Fuddruckers – Has a meeting room
McCormick Café – Conference Room
Stacy makes motion to meet at 6:30 at the war bonnet for 3 months to try it. Roger seconds. Motion passes by majority. There won’t be food as of now so bring your own.
New members:
Kevin McGee Voted in.
Vince Berkhardt Was Voted in
Peter Kringle. Was voted in.
Chris Dunton was voted in
Jeannie says G&J is putting on Truck Fest June 2-4. Free Dynos , Truck Pulls on 3-4, Drag Racing on other days at IMSP
Joe makes motion to adjourn, Seconded, Adjourned at 7:55pm