April Meeting Minutes

By mh , 16 April, 2006

April 3, 20066:35pm: Vern called the meeting to order.
Special Guest - Jim Stockton, The Clausen’s from the Rimrockers joined us late.
Secretaries Report:
Motion made to accept minutes as printed on back of agenda – seconded, motion carries.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balances read, expenses presented.
Motion made to accept, seconded, motion carried
Bills presented: $50 donated to Alan Hergenrider memorial.
Reimbursment for stamps $39, $40 for tow strap replacement
All bills motioned, seconded and approved.
We still need someone to step up and be an RVP for the club.
Swap Meet – at Car Quest on S 27th on May 6th & 7th
Trail Rides:
New Trail Rides: April 9 Rimockers Tar Shack in Pryors & Trail Going to work on and do repairs on the shack because kids have been partying up there and damaging it. We’ll combine with them. Jan’s IGA 8:30, leave at 9.
A few met up with the Mountaineers near Bridger Bowl on the 11th, lots of deep snow and many stucks.
A few went to the Pryors on April 1, more deep snow and a few stucks.
June 10-11 Benbow conservation, August 5 & 6 Morrison
Get your applications in – only 18 have signed up as of today. It is on April 29 & 30.
Sword fighters, $200 Sacagawea coins, and tons of fun is to be had. Please join us and meet 4 wheelers from all around the state. All Billings club members are encouraged to show up and show support.
M4x4a has a new club in Butte called the Continental 4WD Club, they have 18 members.
Divide Ride:
Divide ride is up to 88 registrations, if you want to go, get your registration in ASAP. There are only 125 slots open.
Vern needs help with getting sponsors for the spring rally. Tom Henry’s been in contact with Petersen’s magazine to have somebody cover the Mud Bog.
New Business:
Dues are due next month by May 15. According to the by-laws, after dues are due delinquent, your right to vote is null & void. Please get your dues in by May 15.
Peter has everything in order for the new website, and it should be up shortly… it is http://www.magiccity4wheelers.org Check it out.
Chuck strum came upon a $100 gift card to 4Wheel Parts and donated it to the club to put up for auction at Convention. Thanks Chuck!!!
The bylaw amendments are attached.
Election of Officers:
Nomination additions: Stacey was nominated as Treasurer
Joe Coombs was elected as President
Mark Kary was elected as VP
Mike & Dawn Hines were elected as secretary
Stacey Osborne was elected as treasurer
Conservation Officers: Doug Kary & Tom Henry
Correspondence: Carol Reimann
Continuing Business/Old Business:
Motion made to meet at Dos Machos starting At May meeting at 6:30pm. Seconded and carried..
Next Meeting: May 1, 2006 at 6:30PM at Dos Machos Restaurant
980 S. 24th Street West (Just south of King Avenue W)
Motion made to adjourn meeting. Seconded, carried..
Meeting Adjourned at 7:46pm.