May Meeting Minutes

By mh , 3 May, 2006

May 1, 2006 Meeting called to order at 6:35pm by Joe Coombs
Guests: None
Sec report:
Mark makes a motion to accept April minutes as printed on back of May agenda, Stacey 2nds, Motion carries
M4x4A Directories are available to all members;1 per membership. Extras are $1/ea. Come to the June meeting or contact Mike Hines at 672-5519 to get yours.
Treasurer's Report:
Balances read, P.O. Box bill is presented.
Roger makes a motion to pay P.O. Box fees, Carol seconds, motion carries
Mike makes a motion to accept Treasurer's Report, Vern 2nds, motion carries
RVP: Nothing to report yet.
Trailmaster's report:
New Trail Ride: May 5-7 – Pryors for a snow run on Sat., switchbacks on Sunday, overnight campout Friday – Sunday. Contact Aaron Johnson for more info.
Memorial Day ride in Phillipbsburg area (Maxwell) with Skyliners. Contact Mike Hines for more info
April Rides:
- April 9th: Rimrockers went to South Pryors to work on the tar paper shack and do some conservation.
- 4/22 went up to Clark’s Fork, Eric got stuck in water up to the seats in his cab, and had some drive line damage, otherwise it was fun
- 4/23 went up to Clark’s Fork again, went to Bridal Vial Falls & sand dunes
- Pictures are available at in the Image Galleries under Magic City
Conservation Report:
- Next conservation trip is in Benbow, June 10 & 11. Club will buy & BBQ Burgers, potluck salads & goodies to complete the cookout. There will be a sign-up sheet at the June 5 meeting to get an accurate burger count.
- Morrison Jeep Trail conservation is moved from August 4 & 5 to August 12&13.
Delegates Report/Convention:
- Vern put on an awesome convention. Those who didn't attend missed out.
- The Continental 4 Wheelers in Butte were formed in Feb with 14 members, and were accepted into M4x4A at the meeting.
- The bylaw change for house cleaning passed, and it was voted that M4x4A will not raise dues and will absorb the increase in United dues.
- Elections were held, and the board of directors didn't change.
- July delegate's meeting is to be held in Leadore, ID after Divide Ride on Sunday, July 16.
- 7 loads of concrete were hauled out to there for the rock course
- We have to haul water to rally because the tanks aren’t out there
- Next Rally meeting 5/10 at Eddie & Janelle's, Work party on June 17
- New website is up, and in continuing progress.
- Multiple Use license plate is nearing completion. It should be ready within the next few months.
New Business:
- New Magic City 4 Wheelers Jackets are in the works. A committee was assembled and they met after the meeting. 6 styles were decided upon. To place an order for a MC4W Jacket, come to the June meeting or contact Carol Reimann.
- Bylaw changes: Tabled until next month.

Roger makes a motion to adjourn, Mike seconds, motion carries.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10pm

Next meeting: June 5, 2006 at 6:30PM at Dos Machos restaurant.