July 2006 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 22 August, 2006

July 10, 2006 Magic City 4-Wheelers Meeting Minutes
Dos Machos The July 10 Magic City 4-Wheelers regular meeting was called to order at
6:49 p.m. by Vice President Mark
Kary. There were six members and no guests present.
The Secretary Mike Hines was not present, approval of the June minutes was
tabled till the August meeting.
Stacey Osborne presented her treasurers report, Les Hergenrider motioned
to accept the treasurers report,
Roger Osborne seconded, motion carried. She hopes to have a complete June
rally financial report at the August
meeting, all the bills are still not in.
Correspondence was passed around.
The July Delegates meeting will be July 16 at Leadore, ID, following
Divide Ride.
For the RVP report, Les reported that the waterbars that Rimrock put in
one of the trails in the Pryors were
taken out by a private contractor who did work on the road. They were just
set off to the side and will need to be
Mark reported that the Morrison Jeep Trail conservation project will be
August 12-13, meet at the trailhead at 9
a.m., they’ll camp on top Saturday night and go out through Cooke City
Sunday. Doug Kary has been working with
the Shoshone national Forest on this project, and they may come along on
the work project. Call Mark with any
questions on the Morrison project.
Aaron Johnson and Mark reported on the July 2-4 Independence Trail ride.
The ATVs are widening the road,
those who went had a good time. Aaron took his Subaru. They went to Blue
Lake on Sunday, they found snow which
had to be busted through. Bill Springer got stuck and Doug Kary towed him
out. Mike Hines’ battery melted into his
The Benbow Conservation Project was reported on. Allie Wood, with the
Forest Service in the Beartooth Ranger
District road with Les. She was amazed Les could drive the trail, even over
a downed tree. She thought some rocks
were too big, but Les explained to her that we like the big rocks as they
are. Mark noted that a pulaski was a must
for working on a conservation project. It was a long work day on the
waterbars, they were instructed in the proper
way to take care of waterbars.
No trail rides were planned with Divide Ride July 12-16, and the Jellison
overnight run July 28-30.
Anyone interested in helping, judging or other at the Sept. 9-10 Rock
Crawling competition can contact Roger.
A work weekend to prepare the site for the event will be Aug. 26-27.
Roger Osborne motioned to adjourn at 7:30 p.m., Aaron seconded, the motion

Respectfully submitted by Stacey Osborne, for Mike Hines