August 2006 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 22 August, 2006

Magic City 4 Wheelers Monday Aug 7 Meeting Minutes
Called to order by Joe at 6:30
No special guests
Secretary’s Report:
Stacy motions to accept the minutes from June & July as printed on the Agenda, Vern seconds
Treasurer’s Report
Report was handed out with Agenda. Mark motions to accept, Vern seconds, motion carries.
VP Report
RVP Report:
There will be a few rimrockers on the Morrison conservation
Morrison: meet at 7 leave at 7:20 sharp! Or at the trailhead at 9 sharp. Make sure you have a shovel, bucket, axe and fire extinguisher
Tom made informational FS signs for Benbow
Trailmaster Report
- Vern went to Whitehall and rode with the Butte guys in Jul.
- Aaron makes a motion to buy 24 muffins for Morrison conservation, Mike seconds, Mark will organize, motion carries
- Renegade ATV trails on Morrison will be addressed on the next travel plan.
Aaron suggested maybe bring a Bulldozer up to Morrison for next year. It takes a FS grant to get permission to bring heavy equip up there, and Don mentioned that it will take at least a year and a half to get it and that he should start now for ’08.
Sept Rally:
- Roger put in a culvert for a new gate out at BMP.
- Aug 26 7am work day at BMP for ralley
- Anyone who wants to judge at rock crawl contact Roger. Sat & Sun are 2 separate events, so if somebody only wants to run 1 day there won’t be any issues.
- License plates went to deer lodge at end of June
- Ed was in hospital and had some heart work done to unclog an artery. He’s doing fine now.
Divide Ride ‘07:
-Vern met with Whitehall area FS manager and the mgr didn’t think anyone used the trails. Vern will take him out on a ride in the near future.
- Will be 3rd week in July 19-23 IF you want to help with anything contact Vern. Carol is doing the Kids thing, - - Stacey is doing registration.
New Business:
- Vern has been scouting the Holiday Inn for a new meeting location. He passed out the menus and we can order off the lunch & or dinner. We get the room for free, and the food prices are reasonable. Most months we will have the same room right off the restaurant unless there’s a big convention, and even then they’d still have a room for us.
- Robyn motions to reserve the room at the Holiday inn for the next year. 6:30. Tom Seconds. Motion carries. Next Meeting at Holiday Inn
- Stacey wants to get another jacket order in so if you want a jacket have it ready by the next meeting.
- Robyn motions that everyone who works the Sept rally gets their name entered into a drawing for the $100 4 Wheel Parts gift card. Mike seconds, motion carries.
- Roger needs volunteers to work at the BMP for the sprint cars nationals Fri & Sat 18 & 19th of August. Contact him if interested. Don said you should be able to watch the tail end of the races if you come.
- Due to labor day Next meeting will be on the Tuesday Sept 5th.
Roger motions to adjourn Mark seconds motion carries at 7:15