September 2006 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 7 September, 2006

Magic City 4 Wheelers Meeting Minutes: September 5 2006
Meeting was called to order at by Joe at 6:42
No Special guests
Secretary’s Report:
Dale makes a motion to accept the August minutes as printed on the back of the Agenda, Tom seconds, motion caries
Treasurer’s Report:
- No bills to be presented
- JayCees sent a letter stating that they found the $200 donation we gave to them in June 05 Rallyand it had never been cashed. They wanted to let us know that they had cashed it
- Tom makes a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, carol seconds motion carries
VP Report:
Mark is not present
RVP Report:
- Rimrockers went up Morrison in early august . Water bars on top need to be fixed.
Trailmaster Report:
- Morrison conservation. Tom broke a front axle, lots of winching. Mark broke some front suspension parts.
- No trail rides planned in September due to the fire danger. The originally planned event for 9/30 & 10/1 will still be TBD based on fire danger at that time
- As of Monday the 4th Benbow had not burned in the Derby Fire.
- Rally in Helena on the 9th at Noon in Helena to submit petitions to the Governor and Attorney General to drop the lawsuit against the Bush administration for repealing the roadless initiative. A Suburban load of people is leaving from Billings at 8am. Call or email Ed Melcher if you want to go.
- FFOR License plates will be in the courthouse next week. You don’t have to wait for your current plates to expire. Ed is looking for new and innovative ideas for promoting the plate. Around the state. Call him or Mike Hines if you have any good ideas. We’re talking about Billboards, flyers in gas stations, and a booth at the MORE show in March.
- HD49 (Downtown Billings) is Shirley McDermott running against VanDyke, who is a board member on Northern Plains Resource Council. McDermott is pro-access.
- MWA brought on a proposal that would make all state lands follow Wilderness values. FFOR got that bill killed by 1 vote.
- Conrad Burns got the Gallatin NF in a heated debate about the Travel Plan. Now the NF is putting off the final release of the travel plan until after the congressional elections in November. Keep that in mind when you vote this November.
- Ed suggested that we start coming up with a plan to perhaps take over management of the High Sierra area behind SkyView similar to the Billings soccer club did to the parks on the south side. After some discussion it was decided that it wasn’t that great of an idea because of all the subdivisions, it would be fighting a loosing battle.
Nothing New
- Anyone working will need to sign a release waiver for the whole weekend at the event. The winner of the $100 4Wheel Parts Gift card will be picked from the names on the release waiver.
- Les will bring water but you should probably bring your own.
- Roger is going out Friday night and is going to camp out there.
- It might be a good idea to bring a fire extinguisher if you can just to have them in case a stray spark starts the grass on fire.
- Carol makes motion to donate $200 to the Rimrockers for helping at the rally, Mike seconds, discussion: There will be no entry tickets this year – everyone simply pays $10 at the gate, even the racers. Joe suggested that we consider donating more to the Rimrockers next month after we get everything from this rally situated. Motion carries.
- Racing starts at 10:00, Gates open at 7am, Registration is from 7-9.
- Workers should show up at 7.
- Consessions & Beer will be available out there.
New Business:
- We get the school grounds with showers, cafeteria, etc, they will feed us on Saturday night, with a street dance.
- Vern will be going down on the weekend of the 23rd of September to explore trails – If you want to go or ride along contact Vern.
- Scavenger Hunts in the local businesses.
Continuing Business:
- Stacey is putting an order in on Monday the 11th, get your money & order form into her by then.
Roger makes a motion to adjourn, Stacey seconds, motion carries, adjourned at 8pm