October 2006 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 6 October, 2006

Magic City 4 Wheelers Meeting Minute: October 2, 2006Meeting was called to order at 6:30 by Joe
No special guests
Secretaries report:
- Les makes a motion to accept mintues as printed on the back of the Agenda, Roger seconds, motion carries
Treasurer’s Report:
- Stacey was not present but she had reports printed and passed around and the report was approved.
VP Report:
- Plum creek has no holdings in eastern MT, so getting them to let us some of their land is a no go.
RVP Report:
- Rimrockers did trail maintenance on Upper Morrison and a forest ranger was up there and praised them for doing the trail maintenance. The ranger was up there writing tickets for the renegade ATVs that were running around up there.
- Met with Tom Parker last Monday
Delegate’s report:
- Delegate’s meeting Saturday Oct 7 at Legal Tender in Clancy (Just south of Helena)
Trail Master’s report:
- Vern pre-ran some more DR07 trails. 5 Trails GPS mapped & pictures taken. We’re hoping for 10 trails. Trails will be on a pre-register basis- you choose five, your top 3 are picked and 2 are alternate.
- Joe, Ray and some Powell valley guys went up the Little Sunlight and found some really great trails. Next summer we’ll need to do some maintenance because of washout and not being run by full-size in 15+ years. The maintenance will be widening the area wider than ATV width.
- Brain went to Deadwood in SD for the Black Hills Jamboree 23-24 and had a good time, found some snow.
New trial rides:
- Vern is going on the 8th to prerun.
- Mark Goose lake the 7th Laurel BK at 6:45
- Little Belts 14th meet at Acton bar at 7:30 leave by 8am sharp
- Whitehall 21st contact Vern.
- The board of directors will be drafting a letter representing the entire club to send to the Deer Lodge NF regarding their travel plan
- Nothing
- Final profit from the rally is $455.15. The rally went well Burton in the Jeep with 53” tires got stuck, there were a couple rollovers.
- It’s time to decide if we’re going to put one on next year and start planning, think of a chairman
- License plates are sold out in Billings.
New Business:
- Joe & Mark mentioned that if there is a group of bigger rigs and a group of smaller rigs that we should consider split up into 2 smaller groups for the fun of both groups and experience levels.
- Ryan, a worker on Conrad Burns’ campaign came in on behalf of Ed Melcher and spoke on some subjects. Conrad is a supporter of access and he too is concerned at Tester’s support of wilderness. A quote from tester: “Jon Tester wants more wilderness in Montana”. Get involved and help support Burns. Don’t forget to Vote on November 7
- Those who ordered jackets will have them at Rogers house on Wednesday the 4th.
- It’s time to start coming up with ideas for the Christmas party. Where, when…. etc
- Nominations for officers will begin in November
- Note: Meetings are held on the south-west side of the building, come in door “A” and straight down the hall
Roger makes a motion to adjourn, Donna seconds. Adjournment called at 7:45