November 2006 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 29 January, 2007

November 6, 2006Meeting was called to order by Joe at 6:35 on Nov. 6, 2006
Special guests:
- U.S. Senator Conrad Burns (not here yet)
Secretaries report:
-Mark makes a motion to accept the minutes as printed, Dale seconds, motion carries
Treasurer's report:
- Balances read, expenses outlined. A bill to Dale for work done to to back of the rally truck for $103.
- Mark makes a motion to accept the bill and the treasurer's report, Bill seconds, motion carries.
VP Report:
-United 4WD training on Feb 11 will be held in Helena after the delegates meeting. Sign up with Vern ASAP if interested. There are two levels of certification – basic & trainer. Trainer is an extra 4 hour class and is offered at after the basic course. We will be having 2 people taking the training course and will offer a class in Billings.
RVP Report:
- Rimrockers did road cleanup on Roundup road.
Delegates Report:
- M4x4A has 185 members
- The Rally for Access on 9/9 was a success but got poor media coverage. The 10 renegades in the Phillipsburg area got all sorts of media coverage. M4x4A officials stepped up to offer assistance & volunteers to help repair & mitigate the damage caused by these people.
- The Skyliners' grant for the Wild Bill project was denied. Vern makes a motion to send the Skyliners $500 for the Wild Bill trail system project, Carol seconds, discussion continued with clarification. Motion carries unanimously.
Ed jumped in with information on the license plate
- 79 plates were sold in the 2 weeks of September it was for sale. 25 plates sold in Yellowstone County alone in the time period.
- Ed's looking for ideas on how to promote the license plate... contact him with any ideas.
- Special Guest U.S. Senator Conrad Burns showed up and gave thanks to Clark Johnson to all the work on the Gallatin. Says he will keep working with the forest service to keep land open for multiple use. The process is flawed – we need to find a different way to handle the forest planning. There's something wrong when a lobbyist with a $0.39 stamp and a Judge in CA can lock up any forest road or area. They risk nothing by filing the appeals... they loose we still pay the legal fees. He's working hard to counteract that. Jon is sponsored by the League of Conservation voters and pledged to the MWA a few years ago that he's for more wilderness.
Trailmaster's Report:
- Mark went to Goose Lake earlier this month. Not much snow on the trail, real pretty with a few inches of snow on the ground. 3 rigs went.
- On the 8th, 13 rigs went on a pre-run in Whitehall. The went on a level 5 trail they nick named Carcass canyon. A seasoned wheeler called it “Montana's hardest ½ mile” and lots of body damage occoured.
New rides for November:
- Aaron wants to the hit the Beartooths in the fall before the snow gets too deep.
- Christmas Tree/Chili Run – Sat Dec 2. Get your permit from the FS office on Main Street in the heights. Meet in Laurel at Burger King at 7:30 leave at 8:00. Bring your chili and extras too (onions, cheese, can openers, corn bread, etc) Last year we went through 44 cans of chili.
- If there's any interest in the Christmas Parade on Nov. 24 contact Dale Hert.
- Nov 25 going to Sunlight area near Chief Joseph. Call Joe Coombs if interested 861-8788
- Tentative New Year's ride on January 1st To be discussed further at the next meeting.
- Aaron makes a motion that if peoples vehicles aren't properly and safely equipped we don't allow them to run with us until they are, but invite them to ride with someone as a passenger. Discussion was had about what proper equipment is. A look at our trail leader's checklist and some discussion decided that the following is the minimum-required equipment for a rig to join us on a trail ride. If any of this equipment is not on the rig it may not continue. The motion was seconded and carried.
The following items are considered “minimum required” to attend a club-sponsored trail ride, for the reasons of safety for all on the trail.

(These items must be present to be allowed to go on ride)
- Suitable tires
- Roll cage, roll bar or factory hard top
- Functional parking brake or line lock
- Jack capable of lifting vehicle
- Spare tire within 3” of existing tires
- Seat belts or harnesses for driver and all passengers
- Attachment points front & rear (no tow balls)
- Battery hold-down (no bungees/ratchet straps)
($0.50 for each item not present)
- Axe, min. 1 gal. bucket, shovel (USFS Requirement)
- Tow strap/snatch strap
- Family first aid kit
- Fire extinguisher
- Flashlight
- CB radio and antenna (not exceeding 54”)
- Seasonal clothing
- Matches, fuses,potable water

Rally 2007:
- Vern makes a motion to set June 23 & 24 for the spring rally. It is seconded and carries. The spring rally will be held June 23 & 24. Start planning now.
- Nothing
Divide Ride 2007:
- Divide Ride 07 logo is done. It looks really cool. There were will be some slight changes
Christmas party planning:
- DJ's Steak Palace in Laurel presented a room for our party.

Nomination of Officers:
- Vern nominates Doug Kary, Aaron seconds
- Aaron nominates Joe Coombs, Mike seconds
- Joe nominates Mark Kary, Stacey seconds
- Aaron nominates Vern Ball, Mike seconds
- Chris Dunton nominates Peter Kringle, Mark seconds
- Stacey Osborne is nominated but she respectfully declines.
- No other nominations made.
- Joe nominates Mike Hines, Vern seconds
- Mike nominates Dawn Hines, Mark seconds
- Joe nominates Mike Hines, Mark seconds
Alternate Delegates:
- Mark nominates Stacey Osborne, Joe seconds
- Joe nominates Vern Ball, Mark seconds
Conservation Officer:
- Carol nominated Doug Kary, Stacey seconded
Correspondence Officer:
- Mike nominates Carol Reimann, Lloyd seconds

Nominations are now closed for this month and will be reopened next meeting.
Roger makes a motion to adjourn, Vern seconds.
Meeting Adjourned at 8pm. Next meeting Monday December 4, 6:30pm at the Holiday Inn.