December 2006 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 29 January, 2007

December 4, 2006Magic City 4 Wheelers December 4 2006 Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 6:35 by Mark Kary
No Special Guests
Secretary's Report:
- Dale makes a motion to accept minutes as printed on the back of the agenda, motion seconded & carried.
Treasurer's Report:
- Balances read. Mark presents a bill for postage to the FS for the travel plan. Motion made to accept report & bill. Motion is seconded and carries.
VP Report
- Mark suggested getting together with Eagle Mount for our Christmas tree run next year.
RVP Report:
- Rimrockers going Bainbridge Cabin on New Year's Day, Cabin Repair. Meet at Jan's IGA in Laurel at 8, leave at 8:30
- Rimrockers are going to write a letter to the new legislatures and explain what we do, etc.
- FFOR is working with the Mountaineers trying to keep the Bear Canyon Road near Bozeman open.
Trailmaster Report:
- Christmas tree run was a success. They got up pretty high. There was a few stucks, but not bad at all. 12 rigs went, 3 were Rimrockers.
- Joe Coombs, Peter Kringle & Chris Dunton went to the Chief Joseph area on the 11/25.
New Trail Rides:
- Vern may do a ride to the Pryors on 9th meet at Laurel BK @ 7:30, leave at 8. Contact him if interested
Conservation Report:
- Tom received a “Thank You” from the FS for the signs on Benbow.
- Benbow will need some work in the spring – there's a report of a lot of trees down after some high winds.
Delegates Report:
- Meeting is Feb 10, “United Trail Leader” training on the 11th in Clancy (South of Helena)
Rally Report:
If you want to help with the early planning for the spring rally, contact Roger
- Ed has scheduled a meeting with Senator Elect Tester.
- Treasure State Alliance – Vern is the M4x4A delegate for TSA. TSA is an umbrella organization including CFBU and FFOR, and has a full time employee. The employee works with the lawmakers in Helena to promote multiple use.
- 1 trail that we want to take has been closed, but it's slated for reopening. Everything else is on track for a early January mailing of the registration forms.

Nominations for Awards:
Most Stuck
- Tom Henry was stuck the most
Worst Stuck
- Tom Henry nominated
- Mike Hines nominated
4 Wheeler of the Year
- Tom Henry nominated
- Roger Osborne nominated
- Vern Ball nominated
Hard Luck
- Tom Henry nominated
- Mark Kary nominated
- Mike Hines nominated
Officer Nominations/Elections:
(See last month for original nominees Ones not listed had no changes from last month)
-Vern declines his previous nomination.
-Peter nominates Chris Dunton
-Vern nominates Joe Coombs for VP
-Vern nominates Mark Kary
Doug makes a motion to close nominations, Dale seconds, motion carries. Elections are held.
Final Election Results:
President: Joe Coombs
Vice Pres: Chris Dunton
Treasurer: Mark Kary
Secretary: Mike Hines
Delegates: Mike Hines, Dawn Hines
Alternate: Stacey Osborne, Vern Ball
Conservation: Doug Kary
Correspondence: Carol Reimann

Chrsitmas Party: See Attached
Next Meeting: Monday, January 8, 2007, 6:30pm at the Holiday Inn
Roger motion made to adjourn, Doug seconds, motion carries, adjourned at 8:06
Magic City 4 Wheelers Christmas Party: Saturday, Feb 3, 2007, 4:00 PM
The Magic City 4 Wheelers Christmas Party will be held at DJ's Steak Palace on Main Street in Laurel. It is right next to the Bowling Alley at 305 E. Main Street. Due to scheduling and booking, the party had to be moved to the 3rd from the originally planned January 27th. There will be a $4.44 gift exchange. To participate, bring a gift priced no more than $4.44. Men bring for men, women for women, and children for children.

-4:00PM: Doors Open
-5:00PM: $4.44 Gift Exchange
-6:30PM Dinner

Dinner Buffet Includes:
- Teryiaki Chicken Brest
- Carved Center Cut Round Beef
- Baked Potatoes
- Cheesy Whipped Potatoes
- Mixed Vegetable
- Tossed Salad
- Italian Pasta Salad
-Apple Cobbler

Buffet Prices:
Adult & Children 13+: $16
Children 6-12: $11;
Children 5 & under: Free

Children's Menu (In lieu of Buffet): $9.00
(#1) 7” Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza
(#2) Chicken Strips & French Fries
(#3) Cheeseburger & French fries

Soft drinks & gratuity are included in the above prices. A no-host bar is available


Phone #:________________________________

Adults & 13+ (include yourself) $16.00/ea





Children 6-12: $11.00/ea



Children 5 or younger $0.00/ea



OR Children's Menu Order: $9.00/ea




Please RSVP the completed form and enclose a check for the total above made payable to
“Magic City 4 Wheelers” no later than 1/8/2007
Mariann Henry
909 Seventh Ave
Laurel, MT 59044
Or call Mariann at 406-628-7380 with any questions