January 2007 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 29 January, 2007

January 8, 2007Meeting was called to order at 6:30
Special Guests:
- Randy Bruce with Firemaster and his son Steven
- Kimard Kunnemann with FFOR
Secretary's Report:
Stacey makes a motion to accept minutes with the correction that roger is not the contact point for the rally. Motion is seconded and carries.
Treasurer's Report:
Balances read,
Dues are due tonight.
Bills presented: $5.49 to make DVDs for rock crawling from Stacey
Dale makes a motion to accept, Mike seconds, motion carries.
- Feb 10: Snowmobile drag race in Red Lodge. If you want to help contact Ed Melcher
- New snowmobile club forming in Red Lodge: Beartooth Snow Riders
- Wednesday 9am Jan 10 – Custer NF meeting about travel plan at Ed's Office. The Pryor mountains are on the chopping block
- Saturday 9am Jan 20 at MSUB – Public Meeting
- There's some dry river beds that are BLM land in the south part of the pryors – We need someone to step up from MC4W and lead a proposal for this land. It could be brought up for opening
- License Plates: Yellowstone County alone 106. Total for the state 410. In comparision, the MWA has 2553 total active plates, and it has been around for a lot longer.
- CBU has hired a full-time attorney to start helping our fight.
- Montana Honda & Marine is raffling off a $4500 gift cert for $20/ea to raise funds for Ah-Nei Contact Vern if you want to buy any.
- Special Guest Randy Bruce explained and taught about fire extinguishers and F.E. Maintenance Extinguishers with brackets start at $60
RVP Report:
Rimrockers- January 13 – ClarksFork canyon – Camping Overnight – Meet at Jans at 7:30, leave at 8:00
Past rides:
Bill went to checkerboard & got stuck really bad. The group didn't see him get stuck and he had to winch & shovel to get out
New Years ride went up to Bainridge Cabin
New Rides?
January 20 (Cancelled!), Pryors to explore dry creek beds. Meet at Bk @ 7:30am, leave @ 8:00am. Contact Doug Kary
- Colorado has a F.E.E.T. Program where 4 wheel drives get doctors, police, firefighters, and other emergency personnel around there's lots of snow. Is there any interest? Dale says MC4W is part of that program with Yellowstone County We're going to follow up and find out more information.
- Benbow conservation dates? Planning on early June... dates?
Meeting on Feb 10, united training on 11th
- Don McCabe mentioned that property tax at BMP is approx. $17,000, and since we've used the facility for a long time w/out paying a dime for it, perhaps we can consider helping out with that. Discussion continued....
- Mud bog is there on the poster/schedule @ bmp
Mark makes a motion to invite to the 2 heads of the BMP chair to the Christmas party dinner and a plaque to be paid out of the MC4W checking acct as a thank you from the club to BMP.... Mike seconds..... motion carries.
Who is going to chair the rally? Any volunteers? Start thinking about who is going to chair the rally.
Discussion arose about whether or not we should have a rally at all due to lack of interest within the club. This rally subject has been tabled to February. If nobody steps up there simply won't be a rally this year. Talks continued of other fund raising ideas... fun days, RTI ramp events, etc. Bring your rally ideas to the February meeting because a decision NEEDS TO BE MADE, or contact President Joe Coombs at 861-8788 with any questions/ideas/comments/ concerns/complaints, etc.
New Business:
-Rock Crawling DVDs from the Sept rock crawl are available for sale. Contact Stacey to buy any - $10/ea.
-Stacey makes a motion to offer Tony Scott & His wife Stephanie a 1 year membership to the club as a thanks for producing the DVD Dale seconds..... motion carries
- Doug makes a motion to join & sponsor TSA for $100, Vern Seconds... motion carries.
Continuing Business:
- Christmas Party - Contact Marianne. Get your meal orders into her by the 20th of January!
- Awards: Don't forget to make your awards if you won last year and bring them to the Christmas party! This year's winners will be announced at the Christmas Party
- Vern makes a motion to invite Tony Scott, his wife & child to our Christmas dinner, Don seconds, motion carries.
Roger makes a motion to adjourn, Dale seconds, meeting adjourned at 8:50pm

Dont' Forget, DUES ARE DUE!!!
Due to the bylaw changes that went into effect in April, 2007's Dues are now due in January!

Also: I am going to start sending meeting minutes via E-Mail to the Magic City 4 Wheeler's e-mail mailing list. If your not on the mailing list, directly to your email address. I am trying to get away from paper copies & milling as they greatly increase the time and cost involved in sending out minutes each month. If you do not have e-mail, I will mail out copies to you, but since the large majority of members have and use email, this is the most efficient use of my time and club resources. Additionally, the electronic version will be in a PDF format and have a MUCH BIGGER FONT, thus will be easier to read. Thank you for your understanding, and please contact me if you are either a) Not on the MC4W mailing list and would like to be, b) don't want to be on the mailing list but have email or c) don't have email and still need minutes sent by mail. Thanks! -Mike