February 2007 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 5 February, 2007

February 5, 2007Monday February 5 2007
Meeting called to order by President Joe Coombs at 6:32
Special Guests: None
Secretary's Report:
- Regular meeting minutes will now be delivered via email and posted on http://www.m4x4a.org in the “Magic City 4 Wheelers” section
- Stacey makes a motion to accept last month's minutes as printed, Mark seconds, motion carries
Treasurer's Report
- Balances read, bills presented
- Stacey makes a motion to accept the treasurer's report, Roger seconds, motion carries
- A thank you card was sent from Ray & Karen Coombs for the flowers sent for Ray's mom who passed away in December
RVP Report:
- Rimrokcers did 1 run 2 weeks ago, not much else
Trailmaster's Report:
- 4 rigs went to the Pryors on the 4th. Found some areas in the BLM land that looked challenging There's a lot of sand in the area and a limited amount of vegetation.
- Joe went down to the Powell WY area and found some really challenging areas, did some body damage.
New trail rides:
- Joe is thinking about going up Benbow on Feb 17 – Meet & Laurel BK @ 7:30, leave @ 8. Joe will meet you @ Montana Hannah's Call Joe at 861-8788 if you want to go. If nobody else wants to go he will not be going.
- Tony & Stephanie Scott offered to let us come down to Basin WY some time in May to have a wheeling & bbq/campout trip down there
- July 4th “Independence Overnighter” scheduled for the weekend of June 30 - July 1
- End of may into the first of June is the South Dakota Jeep Camp - contact Peter Kringle w/ questions or if you're interested in going
- If you're going down into the Pryors, check out the south side and the trails down there. They're up on the travel plan
- Benbow Conservation: June 2 & 3
- Doug received a post card out of the WY Forest Service for the plan in Jackson Hole. Blue Ribbon & Wilderness people are coming in to speak in a public forum.
- Meeting in Clancy on the 10th.
- Mike Hines, Osbornes, Les and Vern are going thru the U4WDA training. When we're certified we can offer classes
- Ed is meeting with Rehberg's office on the 14th with an attorney. By buying the plates we're supporting the full time attorney that's helping fight the closures. Nothing is being signed unless we have what we want.
- Snowmobile Drags are Saturday the 10th in Red Lodge, all day event. Races start at 9:30. If you can help, please show up and help or call Ed Melcher with questions.
- As of 2/7/07 – Kerry White will be representing CBU for region 1 about the Gallatin Travel Plan.
- Listen to the Paul Berg show on 910AM Radio Wednesday Feb 7 at 9AM Call in and voice your support! 652-8400
- Raffle Tickets still available for a $4500 credit at Montana Honda & Marine. Contact Ed or Vern if you want one or more. $20 per ticket. Proceeds go to help the lawsuit to keep Ah Nei open.
- Some upcoming bills: one would release private landowner's liability for letting us recreate (hunting/atv/fish/wheel, etc) on their property. Another is getting the DOT-Approved-only bill killed that would restrict a lot of activity on any public right-of-way.
- Doug and Vern have decided to chair the rally, Willard will help. The foundation may be purchasing an excavator. Toilets, concessions will be handled through the BMP
- TSA is planning a Rally in Missoula and they need bodies there. Date and Time TBD
New Business:
- Doug is also talking about putting on a GPS class to teach those who don't know how to use them. GPS class is held on Feb. 24 at Vern's Shop (The Tint Factory at 2032 Lampman) at 9am. Class will last a couple hours.
- Alternative fund raising/publicity ideas? A few ideas were tossed around.
- Doug is working to getting us on a volunteer list for the FEET program (FWD Emergency Team)

Roger makes a motion to adjourn, Marianne seconds. Motion carries, Adjounred at 8:15pm