Monday, March 5, 2007Meeting called to order at 6:32 pm by Joe Coombs
Special Guests:
Ron Glass and Todd Gansel joined us to explain HAM radios for the purpose of F.E.A.T.
HAMs can be used for tracking (With GPS and a “Tracker†unit), provide much longer range, and allow for private frequencies for priority communications during emergencies when CBs, FRTs, land-lines and cell phones are either overloaded or inoperable. It is also FM so it's much clearer than an AM CB radio. HAMs can also use repeaters which are positioned all over the globe so you can literally radio across the state or across the country with phone clarity. Most of Montana has the infrastructure to support a network of HAM radios in the event of a major disaster.
Secretary's Report
- Stacy makes a motion to accept minutes as printed, Ed seconds, motion carries
- Electronic minutes delivery seems to have went smoothly in Feb. Will continue forward. Remember, that mintues are also available at in the Magic City 4 Wheelers section Contact Mike at 672-5728 if you're having trouble with receiving the minutes.
Treasurer's Report
Balances read, No bills presented. Stacey makes a motion to accept motions, Ed seconds, carries
VP Report:
RVP Report:
Rimrockers – Mystery trail ride on March 17, Jan's at 7:30, leave at 8,
Trail Rides:
Peter & Chris went down to the Meeteetsee trail w/ the Powell club, 2 fairly stock pickups from the Powell club went and one got very stuck.
New Rides:
- Powell club offered to let us use the 130 acres of land they own It's about 95 miles from billings. $20 for a 3 day pass or $50 for a year long pass Contact Joe with any questions. Proceeds go to help pay the property taxes on the land
- Pryors to trail seek on March 18th Meet at Laurel BK at 7:30 – leave at 8:00
- Powell Land on March 31 and April 1 Meet at 7:30 leave at 8, bring $$$ and support the land.
- Summer overnight ride planning was tabled until next month
- Mark suggested a campout/trail ride at a ghost town. Thinks it would be cool for kids of all ages.
- Peter is wanting to set up a Geocacheing run in the Pryors to introduce those who are interested in Geocacheing.
Conservation Report
Nothing new
Delegates Report
- Cascade County Winter Baja has been postponed until March 17
- Skyliners send sincere “Thanks†for the donations towards the Wild Bill project
- A club in Missoula wants to join M4x4A, but hasn't decided on a delegate yet
- A newly formed club in Kalispell is also interested in joining M4x4A
- Convention is going to be held in Polson at the VFW on April 21 and 22. You should have received your registration in the March 4xForum. Please note, the mailing address in the Forum is wrong: It should be P.O. Box 1416
Officer Nominations: President: Tom Mandera; Vice President: Roger Osborne; Treasurer: Michelle Mandera; Secretary: Shirleen Wheeler, Nancy Hines. Nominations will reopen at convention and elections will be held immediately after closing of nominations.
- Hope to have the excavator running by the mud bog.
- We're moving a bunch of concrete forms on either March 17th or 24th from Bridger – building road between ¼ miget side and 4x4 side. Contact Vern or Doug if you want to help.
The following items are lined up and ready to go: EMTs, toilets, concession, and garbage
- Try if at all possible to make it to Custer NF meeting on Saturday the 10th. We're drawing up the maps for the roads we want to keep open and can oppose in writing any disputes. We can make our cases in ink, on the maps, right in the face of the anti-access crowd. There's a lot of power in numbers and we must continue to fight. It is important to stay “in the face†of the anti-access, especially when we get to the Pryors. They're hoping we will tire out and give up, but we must not. Meeting is at the Crowne Plaza (Old Sheraton) at 9am – Noon on Saturday March 10
- May 10 – 13 (Mother's Day Weekend) NOHVC (National Off Highway Vehicle Commission) coming here. They will have new training, 12 and 13 are for the land users. Will be held at one of the big hotels - More info to come, contact Ed with questions.
- Pro-Access rally March 10 in Missoula (region 1) – Proposals to add new wilderness and new wilderness study areas in Western Montana.
- Snowmobile drags in Red Lodge went well, raised some money for the poor. We also got the new club Beartooth Snowriders formed.
- Raffle tickets for ATV (to support AhNei) need to be purchased by March 20.
- Bill to allow specialty plates to be permanent & on trailers is in motion – call your legislators and tell them to support it!
- Bills in Helena: Limitation of Liability - Allows private land owners to have public use of their land with no liability. Has passed the house, is at the senate.
- Watch out for the wildest bill on the hill – contact Max Baucus to protest this bill – it means new wilderness in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho! Come to to read more information.
New Business
Divide Ride has 55 people signed up
Old Business:
Roger makes a motion to adjourn, Carol seconds, meeting adjourned at 8:05pm