SUPPORT HB 305, This bill would limit the liability for operators provid

By tsm1 , 27 March, 2007

Hearing for HB 305, This bill would limit the liability for operators providing venues for OHV activities. It is patterned after the limited liability now in existence for ski areas and equestrian providers/operators. At present time, insurance policies for an OHV operations like parks or ATV rental is not available in Montana from any insurance company. This bill would limit to the liability for providers of OHV opportunities, whether they charge a fee or not, so the insurance companies will consider providing policies for such operations.

The bill would also provide additional protection to private property owners who might be interested in letting OHV riders ride on their lands free of charge. Many large land owners limit access to their lands because of liability concerns and this bill would provide them additional protection from liability under state law. With the continual closure of public lands for OHV activities, an important part of the future of OHV recreation may just depend on private land owners and operators to provide a place to ride.

The trial lawyers association is offering amendments to this bill to take out protection for any sponsor that operates for-profit. We need to allow the protection regardless of whether is for profit or not. Current Montana law covers equestrian and ski operations that operate for profit. Motorized operations should have the same protection available to them.

You can phone in Helena: 406-444-4800. You will need to say something like: “ Please support HB305 and be sure to provide liability for private land owners as well as for-profit OHV recreation providers.” You will be required to give your name and mailing address.

Senate Judiciary Committee:

Jesse Laslovich, (D), Chairman, Anaconda,

Aubyn Curtiss, (R), Fortine,

Larry Jent, (D), Bozeman,

Carol Juneau, (D), Browning,

Dan McGee, (D), Laurel No email listed

Lynda Moss, (D), Billings,

Jerry O’Neil, (R), Columbia Falls,

Gerald Pease, (R), Lodge Grass, No email listed

Gary Perry, (R), Manhattan,

Jim Shockley, (R), Victor, NO email listed

David Wanzenried, (D), Missoula,

Carol Williams, (D), Missoula,