April 2007 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 4 April, 2007

April 2, 2007Magic City 4 Wheelers Meeting Minutes: Monday April 2, 2007
Meeting called to order by president Joe Coombs at 6:33pm
Special Guests: None
Secretary's Report:
Stacy makes a motion to accept minutes from last month as printed, Marianne seconds, motion carries.
Treasurer's Report:
Balances read. Stacey makes a motion to accept Treasurer's Report, Mike seconds, motion carries
VP Report:
Blue Ribbon membership is coming due soon. Individual memberships are available for $10/ea
RVP Report:
- Rimrockers having a swap meet this spring, possibly at an Acton event. More info TBA.
- Possibly having a trail ride to the Bighorns on 4th of July or Labor Day. They're planning their schedule for the year for overnighters, wanting to hit some of the at-risk trails before they're closed.
- Rimrockers also interested in FEAT progam and HAM radio training sessions
Trail Ride Reports:
- 3/18 – Went to the Pryors and had a blast.
- 3/31 – Joined the Powell Valley club on their private land for a play day. Had a great time – there was 2.5 - 3 feet of snow when we got there. Lots of Stucks and rock climbing
New Trail Rides:
- April 21: Meet at Laurel BK 7:30, leave at 8 Mystery ride, possibly Meeteetsee trail
Upcoming Overnighters:
- June 30 – July 1: Independence
- August 4: Leave Laurel at 8, go to Sawtooth up Beartooths, come back Sunday
- Benbow conservation is June 2 & 3
- Morrison conservation is just before the opening (around 15th or so of July)
- The MWA circulated photos of some tracks in a field up in the Pryors. We must police ourselves, if you see anyone misbehaving, please take steps to turn them in to the proper authorities.
Delegates Report:
- Mark makes a motion to increase delegate travel reimbursement. The increase would reimburse delegates for actual fuel cost with receipts plus $25 per vehicle to help with meals/lodging. Tom seconds. Motion carries.
- They won't be getting an excavator out there... the one Roger was looking at was a pile of scrap – it bad engine and needed a lot of work
- BMP is still planning a road to the quarter-midget track
- Garbage, toilets concessions are in place.
- Still need manpower to help at the rally. If you can come out and help, please do!
- Sunday will be a Club Play-Day There will be 4x4 games and challenges. $20 per vehicle as entry, lunch/BBQ. Meat included by club, pot luck for the side dishes. Invite a guest! It will be to promote the club for additional fund raising and generating new membership. Camping will be there Saturday night after the mud bog.
- Wilderness greenies are out in force at the Beartooth travel plan meetings. They want to close very trail and road in the Pryors! They brought in people from out-of-state to further their cause.... people who know nothing about Montana or the Pryor Mountain area were at the last meeting fighting to close all of the land to motorized. THIS IS WHAT WE'RE UP AGAINST! TSA is organizing a collaborative motorized map to submit at the last meeting on 4/28/07 Next meeting is Saturday 4/14/07. Location is still to be determined, time is 9am to noon. If you're OK with only being able to hike in the Pryors, then don't show up. Otherwise YOU NEED TO BE THERE! The more numbers we have the less impact they have. CHANGE: The 4/28 meeting was canceled, and the 4/14 meeting will be the last meeting for this travel plan. The NFS is planning to consolidate these 2 meetings into 1 on the 14th.
- If you have raffle tickets get those back to Ed.
- Vern had shirts printed that say “Public Lands mean Public Access” and they sell $15. If you want to purchase one, please contact Doug, Ed or Vern. All profit (about $7 per shirt) goes to FFOR land-action fund
(add FEAT to agenda)
- May 19th is the next HAM test, training class is the weekend before. Class is free, test is $14.
New Members:
- Matt Cardwell wants to re-join. He was a member a few years ago, and is looking to re-join. Welcome back, Matt and finance Leslie McDonald!
Continuing/Old Business:
- M4x4A Convention is being held in Polson this year. April 21st at the Polson VFW. Contact Nancy Hines at 883-2851 as there is still availability.

Roger makes a motion to adjourn, Tom seconds, motion carries. Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm