May 2007 Minutes

By mh , 22 May, 2007

Monday, May 7, 2007Guest was introduced as Anthony Miller, those who attended last year's Independence Ride may remember his black TJ when we stopped to talk to he and his friends. He is trying to decide which club to join.

Previous Meeting minutes were accepted as written on the agenda.

Treasurer's report was accepted as read.

Vice President Chris Dunton lead the meeting in our President's absence.

Divide Ride update: The Shower Fund (fees for to use the showers) will go to the Wild Bill Trail project the Skyliners are working on. May 12-13 is to be an other prerun with Vernon Ball to the Whitehall area, but was canceled. Divide Ride is on track for July 121 registrations to date.

Trail rides planned:
-May 26th Cooke City ride (possibly an overnighter), Call Aaron Johnson for details.
-May 31 thru June 2 is the annual BlackHills Jeep Camp call Peter Kringle for details and sign up info.
-June 2-3 Benbow Conservation Trip overnighter. We will be doing trail work and looking for areas to expand the trail for more technical and challenging opportunities that we can present to the Forest Service.
-The first or second weekend of July will be the Morrison Conservation trip. Hopefully this will be an overnight trip camping mid trail on top, but this is pending Forest Service approval since we will have exclusive early access to avoid user conflicts on the switchbacks and elsewhere.

Rally planning:
-Need T-shirt sponsors please call Doug Kary with leads or ideas.
-The Sunday $20 fun day is a fund raiser for land use issues and other general club expenses.
-Work days leading up to the rally are scheduled for June 9th & 16th.

New member sponsors were suggested to help guide new members and accelerate involvement and inclusion in the club.

Meeting was adjourned.