March 2011 Minutes

By tsm1 , 6 April, 2011

Frontier 4x4 Club Meeting Minutes
Meeting Beginning:
March 2, 2011 7:05 pm by Mike Kelly
Meeting at a glance:
• Land Issues
• M4x4A Delegates
• Helena Challenge
• Runs
Important dates to remember:
March 6, Monthy Club Run, 9:00 am Murdoch’s
Next Meeting – April 6, 7:00 pm, Staggering Ox meeting room
Members in Attendance:
Mike Kelly and Charlene Welch Richard Hiltz
Pam Kennedy Joe Skaggs
Tom, Michelle, & family Mandera Oakley Clark-Sunstad
Alex Tyhurst Chris Lamping
Nick Van Dyke Aaron Snyder
Guests in Attendance:
David and Mary Jacobsen, Brian Lee, Gentry Painter
President’s Report: (Mike Kelly)
Facebook Page and Group for the club are looking really good.
Vice President’s Report: (Richard Hiltz)
Runs have been awesome.
Treasurer’s Report: (Joan Lewis)
Currently at $1962.82. $15 to MT Secretary of State. This does not include any dues that have been paid.
Secretary’s Report: (Pam Kennedy)
Minutes for February were approved. Alex motioned and Richard seconded.
Need to get updated information to Stacy Osborne.
Updates to Member list.
Only send emails to
RVP (M4x4A Delegate’s Report, Tyler Gordon)
Tyler is still looking for some good tech write-ups on your rigs and good 4x4 pictures. We also need to let him know about our club runs so that he can get them into the 4x4A forum.
Land Issues: (Don Gordon)
Don was not present.
WE NEED TO DOCUMENT ALL VOLUNTEER TIME. If you clear a tree on the trail, you can document your entire trip.
New Members:
David and Mary Jacobsen and Brian Lee both joined the club.
Unfinished Business:
M4x4A Delegates meeting February 12. Richard, Tom, and Alex went to the quarterly meeting. Discussion of moving money from checking to savings; membership is at 194; Jeep Jamboree in August; Mud Bog in Dillon Labor Day weekend; Ice Race Bozeman March 5; discussion of getting involved in Outfitting – filming; M4x4A Newsletter articles need to be in by the 15th of the month; Convention will be in May, the Great Falls/Cascade club will be hosting; Nominations are due for the John Hazard Conservation Award, 4 Wheeler of the Year, and Junior 4 Wheeler of the Year Awards.
Alex added to discuss the United 4 Wheel Drive Membership with the clubs – discussion of whether we are best served by this membership. M4x4A is currently send $4000 a year to them.
M4x4A Convention in Great Falls in May.
Don, Kathy, and Tyler Gordon’s dues will be paid by their payment to the American Legion of $65 and $50 towards kids presents, etc….
No new Beetle Kill closures
McCarty Creek Trail adoption
McCarty Creek Rd. is not adoptable because it is a County road, but there are questions as to why it is not open. Everyone has their hands in this, but no one seems to be able to make a decision on it. This is on HOLD.
Tizer, Lava Mountain, North Fork/South Fork adoption
Tizers are out. They are going to blade the North Fork/South Fork road like they did the Tizers. Also planning prescribed burns in the area. We need to be proactive on this. Jason and Mike will handle this, but they have not visited on it.
Jason, please let us know what is going on with this.
Incorporate ride-along with this.
Helena Challenge
Advanced Frame Works (AFW) series; Lewistown, Powell, Helena series; Fall Crawl
Want to do the Fall Crawl and keep sponsors. Great Falls/Cascade has also expressed interest.
We will go with Dennis Longmeyer’s land. Great property. Insurance is an issue and we need releases. Insurance available through United 4 Wheel Drive.
Dues are due. $50. List needs to be submitted to M4x4A. You have to be a paid member to receive the M4x4A Newsletter.
Monthly Club Run
Feb 13 – 14 rigs, went out to Dennis Longmeyer’s and then around to York through Nelson and Hogback. Pics are on the M4x4 forum and Facebook. It was a really great run; some stucks, some breakdowns. Thanks to Kathy for sending the chili with Tyler.
Other Runs
Richard and Joe went with the Butte club and their run. Had a good time, lots of snow.
Tom will bring a copy of the By-Laws.
Upcoming Runs – calendar on M4x4A

Monthly Club Run, March 6, 9:00 am Murdoch’s, location Park Lake

Moab, spring.

2011 Montana Divide Ride, Polson, MT, July 18 – 24 MT Divide Ride and

Bozeman Mud Bog

Jeep Jamboree, August

Mud Bog, Dillon, MT Sept 3 – 4

Kalispell, Havre, Sun River
New Business:
Mike heading to Moab over Memorial Day weekend to find property.
Aaron mentioned that Crawl Magazine will be at Scale Nationals May 20 – May 22 and do a feature on Jason’s rig.
Motorsports Expo in Great Falls mid April. Need examples of our 4 wheel drives at the Expo.
Bozeman Swap Meet in May after Trail Truck Challenge.
M4x4A website has been redone. Check it out.
We now have a Page and a Group on Facebook.
Alex invited everyone to his and Cheri’s wedding July 16. If you want an actual invitation, email Alex.
Pam will be doing new Contact Cards.
Meeting End:
Tom motioned and Charlene seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Meeting minutes provided by Pam Kennedy