June 2007, Meeting minutes

By mh , 12 June, 2007

June 4, 2007Meeting was called to order at 6:35 by President Joe Coombs
Special Guests:
- Anthony & Susan Miller
Secretary's Report:
- Tom makes a motion to accept minutes as printed, Dale seconds, motion carries
Treasurer's Report:
- Treasurer absent: tabled until next meeting
RVP Report:
- Les went to Polson and helped with the Skyliner's Wild Bill work day. Lots of people showed up and they got a lot of work done to the project.
Traimaster's Report:
- Matt Cardwell went to Pryors, had to bust some drifts, had a good time
- Chris Dunton went to Black Hills and had a great time. The trails are excellent – most are constant rocks from start to finish.
New Rides:
- Divide Ride pre-run June 9 and 10. Call Vern if you want to go (in case he needs to call you to tell you plans have changed)
- Independence June 30 & July 1. Meet at Hicks Park campground
- Divide Ride registrations are closed. We hit 150 registrations
- Benbow: 12 people showed up. They got through the whole trail and it looks really good now. They put in 2 new water bars. They were done by 3.
- Morrison: Still trying to get in early, havn't heard yet. They plan on working up top and closing off renegade trails. Shooting for July 7th.
Delegates Report:
- See minutes from Convention in forum
BMP Report:
- Don is looking to take a break this summer, and possibly do a rock crawl in Sept. More likely to stay quiet this summer and then hit next year with a full schedule of events
- Please sign up to lend a hand at the rally. Roger is donating his time to run the equipment, we will owe Schessler Ready mix for fuel. We won't have an excavator this year, and we dont have any more trade-out with advertising for exchange. So pit prep will consist of leveling it, pushing the dirt back into the pit and filling it with water. Billings Towing might be doing the pull-outs.
Play day will be a number of fun games. Maybe a tug of war? Bring the kids!
- Ed had 1000 stickers that say “Stay on the Trail or stay home” on them to be distributed around the state. There will be a poker run on Benbow on June 30. Go to FFOR.org for more information.
- Peter is not present
New Business:
- Contact Vern if you want to help park cars at the dog show on a Monday the 18th.
- Anthony & Susan Miller were voted in as new members. Welcome
- July Meeting on the 9th

Motion to adjourn made by Tom Henry, Chris seconded adjourned at 7:50pm