July 2007 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 16 July, 2007

July 9, 2007Meeting was called to order at 6:31 by president Joe Coombs

Special guests:

- No guests tonight

Secretary's report:

- Motion made to accept minutes as printed, seconded & approved

Treasurer's report:

- Balances read, rally bills presented, voted on & stacey motions, roger seconds, approved

- Winch fund – remember to put $1 in- honor system

- Post office box expired due to not receiving notice. If anyone sent something and it got returned, ask them to send it again

- Motion made by Sacey to accept treasurer's report, seconded by Mike, motion carries

- Vern paid $75 for someone to help at dog show. Stacey makes a motion to pay for the dog show help, Darleene seconds, motion carries

RVP Report:

July 21 & 22: Rimrockers are planning trip to Bighorns? Details TBA, contact a Rimrocker for more info

Upcoming Rimrocker Rides:

- August 18 & 19 – Goose Lake

- Sept 1-3 – haymaker

- Sept 7 – Rimrocker's Chico Hot Springs trip

New MC4W Trail Rides:

- August 4 & 5th - Sawtooth - Leave laurel 7:30 sharp. Then meet at 10ish at Top of the World in Cooke City.

Sunlight Basin – August 25. Possible camping. More details next month.

Past Ride Reports:

- June 9th & 10th - Vern & the Hines' went to Whitehall to pre-run some Divide Ride trails. Spring Creek is is a go for DR07 because we got permission from the land owner to cross his land

- June 30/Independence – Brian & Angie Casteel, Mike & Dawn Hines, & some friend of Brian went up. A family from St. Paul, MN that they met at camp rode along too. All of the rogue ATV trails that were up there last year are invisible now. There was an ATV trail inside the wilderness boundary that they blocked off, as well as winching a tree across the other rogue trail by the town.


- Morrison – 5 vehicles showed up. They brought a chainsaw and are glad they did. A T-storm cooled it off a bit.

- When on trail rides, keep a look out for areas where we can work with the Forest Service to build in challenge features in the future, GPS the area if possible. Lets get something like what the Skyliners are doing at Wild Bill over here!

Delegate's Report:

-Next meeting at divide ride


- Incomes & expenses read.

- Everything at the mud bog went smoothly. Thanks to everyone who showed up for your hard work out there in the heat! Those that showed up for the fun day on Sunday also had a good time.

- Next Year there will be a permanent mud bog with concrete base & walls, and a permanent dirt drags, and putting lights in for night bogs & night drags.


- None


-Seeking ideas for marketing on the plate in place of the AAA-000 on promotional material. Things like “FUN FOR ALL” or something, also seeking design ideas for the next generation plate

- Fund raiser at Benbow on June 30th was a hit. Lots of prizes were given away and lots of people showed up to show support for FFOR.


- More Divide Ride - Metal Detector is being given away as a prize. Gold Panners will be there for kids. The ice cream social will be fresh made by the Amish people in the area. The school area will be available for parking in addition to the land the main camp will be at.

- Doug makes a motion for the club to purchase the Garmin 60 CSX GPS from Selby's at cost and raffle it at Divide ride with all profits going towards the Land Use in Montana. Brian Casteel will be in charge of selling tickets at Divide Ride. Tom seconds. Motion carries

- There was a communication error with April delegate's meeting fuel expense reimbursement. Alternate delegates are only reimbursed if the main delegates can't attend the meeting. This was unclear to Stacey. Doug makes the motion to reimburse Stacey for fuel cost to Convention in April, Mark seconds, motion carries.

Roger makes a motion to adjourn, Dale seconds. Meeting adjourned at 8pm.