August 6, 2007Meeting called to order at 6:35 by president Joe Coombs
Special Guests:
- Ryan Christiansen, Mark Christiansen, Max Graham and his son and son in law
Secretary's report:
- Stacy makes a motion to accept secretary's report, Mark seconds, motion carries
Treasurer's Report:
- Balances read
- Joe makes a motion to accept treasurer's report, Marianne seconds, motion carries
RVP Report:
- Rimrockers are planning a run on 18 & 19th to Goose Lake – meet at Soda Butte campground at 10am
Trailmaster's Report:
- Tom & Marianne went to Sawtooth, FS was there when they pulled in. He recognised the MC4W logo from the Morrison Conservation run and was very polite. Saw a moose 30' away and watched them for 15 minutes.
- Chris went to the Big Horns on the 5th. He went up to Medicine Wheel, and into Shell Canyon. Went on a really nice, rocky level 4 trail.
- Bozeman Mountaineers are doing a memorial run for Bill Pries on the 10th & 11th.
- The Sunglight Basin will have to be postponed until Sept 8-9, as the leader will not be able to run it on August 25th. Leave at 7:30am from Laurel Burger King. It will be a camp-out in a wolf & bear area, so come prepared.
- Mark is planning a run up Morrison in early October. Firm date/time TBA next meeting.
Conservation Report:
Delegates report:
- 182 Active Members in M4x4A
- Montana Backroads is wanting to join M4x4A, looking for a delegate
- Bozeman Mountaineers are working with the FS doing some trail maintenance and cleanup in the Gallatin
- Skyliners put in 470 man-hours into Blacktail/WildBill over Memorial Day Weekend
- Still no feedback from the FS on the Philipsburg Mitigation from the damage done by some renegades last year
- The race lights may be for sale, if any club is interested, put in a bid
- United 4WD Association is planning on expanding their Awareness program, adding 2 more chief trainers in Montana, one in Butte/Helena area, one in Billings area.
- October Delegates meeting is on the 20th, location TBA
- Divide Ride 2008 will be in the Dillon area. Pre-runs should be organized and started ASAP before the snow starts flying
BMP Report:
- Looking for someone to run the off-road park at BMP, if you know anybody who would be interested in that.
Divide Ride 2007:
- Event was a success this year. Raffles went well too – air compressor grossed $782 . GPS grossed $700.
- Pancake breakfast had a disappointing turnout of help
- Lots of compliments were received.
- Donations were given to Saddle Club, Skate Park and Food Bank
- Andrew Miller had some good carnage on Carcass Canyon
- One of our members was cited for running a trail on his own.
New Business:
- Mark makes a motion to split the profits from the GPS raffle 50% TSA and 50% Wild Bill
- Mark asked us to think about why we make funds and to think about earmarking some of our earnings from fund raising towards specific purposes.
- Max Graham is voted in as a member. Welcome!
- Doug is wanting to start an education segment to the meeting, with input and ideas from members. Bring your ideas and knowledge to share or requests for education to the next meeting..
Roger makes a motion to adjourn meeting, Mark seconds, motion carries, meeting adjourned 7:45pm.
Next meeting Sept 10 due to Labor Day being on the 3rd.