October 2007 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 8 November, 2007

October 1, 2007Meeting Called to order at 6:35 by Treasurer Mark Kary
Secretary's Report:
- Minutes were not received by the guest note-taker in Sept despite numerous attempts to get them. Tabled until next meeting
Treasurer's Report:
- Balances read, bills presented
- Opinions are requested on how to use our money: Should we look towards using it for land... should we purchase or lease.....
- It's also mentioned that we should find a money market account to start making better than our .75% We would need a dual-signature money market account if you know of one, let Mark know.
Vice President's Report:
- VP is Absent
RVP Reports:
- Rimrockers are having a Mystery run Oct 13. Meet at Jan's IGA in Laurel at 8:00am, leave at 8:30am
Trailmaster's Report:
- A group went up Morrison on the 22nd 4 rigs went and all had fun
- Dale pointed out that the FS has started putting signs across the trails that read “Closed to all motorized vehicles year-long due to wilderness environment” The district ranger has never seen them and didn't know what they say. We should look into this further
New Rides:
- Iron Mountain – Sunday Oct 21 Laurel Burger King Meet 7:30, leave at 8
Conservation Report:
- Custer NF DEIS is out. An email was went to the email list a week or 2 ago. There are 3 travel plans released, A, B & C. A is most favorable to Motorized use.
- Custer NFS Travel meeting is on Oct 22 at Billings Parmly Library from 6-8pm
Delegates Report
- Delegate's meeting is Oct 20 at 10am at the Perkins on Cedar Street
- 1800+ plates sold
- Would like to continue forward with this project in preparation for Winter
Christmas Party:
- Start coming up with place or ideas for the Christmas Party – it will be in January again.
Continuing Business:
- Doug made Motion to turn the $100 NFS check from Rally will be turned over to a commercial collection agency. Mike seconds. Motion carries
New Members:
- Ryan Graham was voted in as a new member

Roger makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mark seconds. Meeting adjourned.