November 2007 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 8 November, 2007

November 5, 2007Meeting was called to order at 6:35 by president Joe Coombs.
Secretary's Report:
- Stacey makes a motion to accept October minutes as printed on agenda, Doug seconds, motion carries
Treasurer's Report:
- Balances read and expenses outlined. Roger makes a motion to accept Treasurer's, Marianne seconds, motion carries
- Mark asked if there's any interest in doing the Holiday parade this year. There was no interest due to the $35 per 2 vehicles entry fee.
- Vern makes a motion to become a 2 star sponsor of the Utah Shared Access Alliance at $250 allocated all to Moab. Stacy seconds. Motion carries.
RVP Reports:
- Rimrockers are doing a Mystery Trip on Nov 11, meet at 8 at Jans, leave at 8:30
- Don't forget to make nominations for M4x4A awards: John Hazard, 4WOTY and Jr. 4WOTY.
October Trail Rides:
- Tom Henry and a group of 5 (including 2 guests) went to Iron Mountain and found some massive drifts. They couldn't make it all the way due to the snow. All who went had fun.
- Mark and a small group had planned to go to Benbow with Doug Epperly. Due to excessive snow the Doug didn't go, but the group went anyway and they had a good time.
New Rides for November:
- Powell Valley 4 Wheelers Christmas tree run in the Sunlight area on Nov 25. For more info call Joe Coombs
- Christmas Tree/Chili Run to the Pryors on December 2. Meet at 7:30AM at Laurel Burger King, leave at 8:00AM
- Big Brother's Big Sister's Christmas Tree event will be on Dec 8. Keep a watch for the emails from Mark on this.
Conservation Report:
- Nothing new this month
Delegates Report:
- M4x4A has 187 member
- Rocky Mountain ORV club in Kalispell may join M4x4a by Convention
- Still no word from the Forest Service on the Phillipsburg area mitigation
- M4x4A Renewed it's $500 membership to TSA
- Don't forget to submit bids for the April convention at the January/February meeting
- Be thinking of award nominations. Send them to the M4x4A Board of Directors
- Vern was thanked for his hard work on a great Divide Ride in 2007
- UFWDA dues will be increasing to $25/yr from $15/yr. There will be a request to change the bylaws to increase the dues for M4x4A to match this.
- There were 1633 CFBU license plates sold in the first year.
- $500 was moved to be sent to the BRC's Special Moab fund. Motion carried
- Next Delegates meeting: February 9, 2008 in Helena at Perkins, 10AM
- BMP is not building a mud bog pit or a sand drag track. Talking about doing a tractor/truck pull and investing in a sled.
- It's the time of year we should start planning and figuring out who might be interested in chairing and organizing the event. If interested, please step up. Joe said he'd be interested in putting it on a rally if someone helps. Chuck said he'd help.
- FFOR Met last Thursday with Cory Swanson (the attorney) to go over the travel plan. We need comments on the proposed travel plan for the Custer National Forest (Pryors and Beartooths) In comments, please point out: Conflicts, Social/Economic impacts and secondary impacts such as by taking trails out it causes overuse of other trails which can lead to heavier erosion and conflicts between different user groups. Also consider asking for March through April for erosion closures instead of through mid June. The Pryors are too dry to keep it closed through June due to erosion. Also ask how they plan to enforce the new travel plan. Other point to note: The noise levels they used in their study are from 15+ years ago and are not current. Also, consider Bias. If they're worried about vandalism, then close it to ALL, not just motorized, as well as blocking off access to handicapped/disabled. Comments need to be in by Nov 19
- Another big concern is the Benbow area. It was a OHV area, and in the new plan it is not. We need to ask to keep that as an OHV area.
- FFOR has a board meeting on Wednesday the 7th at Ed's office and we need representation there.
- Our club GPSed a number of trails, and the new plan does NOT Have those trails and we must comment on that.
- Les gave a quick lesson on U-Joints. If you have 2 sockets and a hammer you can take a U-Joint apart. Keep the old caps as trail spares. It could get you home!
- Bring ideas for future learning bits
- United 4WD Awareness training is in the works. We hope to have a trainer soon.
- Attachment point safety! With winter coming up make sure you have solid attachment points front and rear!
- Chuck will present next month
New Business:
- Back Country Horsemen may be interested in doing a cooperative with us to construct a trailer parking lot at the Benbow trail head. More to come on that at future meetings
- Christmas party may be at DJ's, middle of January. Remember to get a $4.44 white elephant gift for the party – Men get men's gift, women get women's gift, kids for kids.
- Big Brother's Big Sister's Christmas Tree event will be on Dec 8. Keep a watch for the emails from Mark on this.
New Business – New Members:
- Mark Christensen was voted in as a new member. Welcome Mark!
New Business – Dues increase:
Due to M4x4A's dues being likely to increase due to UFWDA's dues increase, we should consider adjusting our dues accordingly. Mike suggests amending the bylaws to be the current year's M4x4A “X” dollars. This would ensure Magic City collects enough from dues to support it's operating expenses and covering our dues to M4x4A, as well as allow any disagreements with future dues increases to be made at the state level at the annual convention in April. Terri suggests M4x4A dues + $25 for individual, M4x4A dues + $35 for family memberships. Mike makes a motion to amend the bylaws to be the current year's M4x4A dues + $25 for individual memberships, +35 for family memberships. Mark seconds, motion carries. A bylaw amendment notice will be mailed out to all member later this month, and the amendment will be voted on at January's meeting.
New Business – DR08:
- DR08 will be July 14 to 19 in Whitehall. Dillon doesn't want us and the the “trails” around there could be run in a Buick. More next month!
Officer Nominations went as follows:
- Mark Kary, Vern Ball, Roger Osborne, Max Graham
- Max Graham, Anthony Miller, Joe Coombs, Tom Henry
- Terry Smith, Josh Leishman
- Josh Leishman, Mark Kary, Anthony Miller
M4x4A Delegates
- Mike Hines, Dawn Hines
M4x4A Alternate Delegates
- Stacey Osborne, Vern Ball
- Les Hergenrider
Conservation Secretary
- Chuck Sturm, Doug Kary, Tom Henry
Correspondence Secretary
- Brian Casteel, Stacey Osborne, Carol Reimann
Nominations will be reopened next month, and voting will commence in January.
Award Nominations
- Doug Kary, Les Hergenrider, Vern Ball
Worst Stuck
- Dawn Hines
Hard Luck
- Anthony Miller

Motion made to adjourn, Seconded carries. Adjourned at 9pm.