RVP Report

By tsm1 , 15 February, 2002

Hello Everyone!

Attached is Region 5's RVP report.
Thank you Gwen for taking care of the January quarterly meeting.

Our Ramp Travel Contest is scheduled for May 4th, 2002. The cost will be $5.00 for 2 attempts as long as the participant brings one canned good for God's Love. The winner will receive a free membership to the club and 2nd place will be $20.00.

Frontier Fun Days will be held this year at Whitehouse campground by Bernice June 15th and 16. This is in the same general location as last year (closer to the bathrooms).

Our next trail ride is February 24th, meeting at County Market at 9:00 a.m.

Our last trail ride held on January 26 was another success. We had a great turnout and found lots of good snow to play in. You can find pictures under the Image Galleries at http://www.m4x4a.org.

Tom's drywall party was a success. Thanks for all your help. He can now get working in the garages and get his racer up and running.

We're hoping Cascade will have a winter baja so we can go play.

And we're all looking forward to a great time in Polson at convention.

-Michelle Dukleth, RVP