December 2007 Meeting Minutes


December 3, 2007Called to order at 6:40pm by Joe
Special Guests:
Brad MacAnnen and Phil Schmidt from G&J and Mark and Mary Cardwell are guests
Secretary's report:
– A motion was made to accept the minutes for November as printed, seconded and carried.
Treasurer's Report
- Balances Read, expenses outlined.
- A motion was made, seconded and carried.
RVP Report:
- None
Trail Ride Report:
- Christmas Tree Run was a success. 14 rigs showed up. There was hardly any snow, and where there was it was just drifts. It was very windy, and very cold, but everyone had a blast.
New Rides for December:
- Dec 8 is still a go for the BBBS Ride. 1 kid + mentor for sure, possibly 2 more. Discovery Zone from L&C Middle School will have 15 kids and 3 adults. Contact Mark Kary ASAP if you can go to make sure he can guarantee seats to the people. Meet at IGA in Laurel at 7:30, leave at 8.
- Benbow Run on New Year's Day (Tuesday). Bring your chainsaws!!! Meet at Laurel BK at 7:30, leave at 8
- None
- None
- None
- None
BMC Is trying to adopt a trail near Meyer's Creek in the Custer. TSA want's to bring in a woman from Denver who can help us effectively help us write powerful comments. It would cost $80 per person to go, and they want 2 people from the club to go. Dale makes a motion to send 2 people to this, Roger seconds. Motion carries.
- None
New Business:
- Mark & Mary Cardwell were voted in as new members. Welcome!
- Our TSA Membership was renewed at $100.
Continued Officer Nominations
Pres – Doug Kary was added to the nomination.
VP – No Additional nominations
Secretary – No Additional nominations
Treasurer – No New Nominations
Delegates – No New Nominations
Alternate Delegates – No New Nominations
RVP – No New Nominations
Conservation – Aaron Johnson added to the nomination roster.
Correspondence - No New
Hard Luck – Ray Coombs was added
Most Stuck – Brian Casteel was added
Christmas Party: DJ's won't work with us, so we need to find somewhere asap. Aaron willl look in Bridger or Fishtail. Come up with suggestions and send any ideas out on the email list. If we dont' decide this month, we will have to push the party back until february.
- Bylaw Change was mailed out in late November. It will be voted on at the January Meeting.
- Dale and Brad are organizing an effort to have a memorial placed on the Benbow Trail in memory of Jackie Gray. If you want to help, contact Dale Hert. More info to come in the coming months.
Motion made to adjourn – adjourned at 7:45