February 2008 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 25 February, 2008

February 4, 2008Posted on behalf of Secretary Terri Smith

Meeting called to order at 6:30 by Mark Kary
Guests: Tom Flynn who was a previous member, Welcome back!
Secretary’s Report:
Accepted as printed. Dues are Due Now! Please get them paid. $50 for family & $40 for single.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balances were read, motion made to accept them and carried.
RVP Report: Rim Rockers highway clean up is May 10th, their website is rimrock4x4.org
Trail Ride Reports:
Bear Canyon – AM run, good snow, had fun, only two rigs.
Spring Creek – Good run, snow drifts, it was a free for all but most had a good time, 23+ rigs.
New Trail Rides:
Feb. 9th with the RimRockers, meet at the IGA in Laurel at 7:30 AM and leave at 8 to Lion Creek.
Feb. 9th & 10th Snow Drags in Red Lodge
Feb. 24th to Glacier Lake, meet at IGA in Laurel at 7:30 AM leave at 8.
March 15th-20th Easter Jeep Safari in Moab.
Conservation Report:
TSA is putting together a work party for BenBow
Ally with the Forest Service is looking to put together a training class on chainsaw handling. This is a requirement by the F.S. if you want to run a chainsaw while doing trail repair in conjunction with the Forest Service. If interested email Mark Kary.
Forest Plan Revision for Beaverhead/Dear Lodge need to be made, go to the Forest Service Website at www.fs.fed.us/r1/b-d/forest-plan
Delegates report:
Next meeting is Feb. 9th in Helena
We need to get our info to Roger for the Rally before April! What are we doing?
Nothing new.
Dale set us up with Disaster Relief, we are now on the list. They will call Dale, Doug Kary and Mark Kary when they need help and then it will be sent out to the club for help.
I have copies of a handout on Safety.
Continuing/Old Business:
A fund for vehicle repair was put on the table for discussion of $20 or $50 per rig. Per Run or Year?
Memorial – We can put up a sign next to the F.S. sign but can not officially change the name of the trail. We can not do an actual memorial as a club but people can do something separate/on your own, just not affiliated with the club.

Roger makes a motion to adjourn, it was seconded, meeting adjourned 7:40pm.