FWP Seeks State Trails Advisory Committee Members

By jjb1702 , 25 February, 2008

News release by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks - 2/22/2008


Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking four new State Trails Advisory Committee members for three-year terms. Applicants must have experience in at least one of the following activities: horseback riding, off-highway motorcycle riding, or off-road 4X4 truck driving.

"The positions available on the committee call for individuals with broad recreational trails experience and specific interests in motorized and nonmotorized use to ensure the committee retains a balanced perspective," said Clint Blackwood, FWP Trails Program Coordinator.

The State Trails Advisory Committee advises the agency on the expenditure of about $1.2 million of Recreational Trails Program funds, discusses recreational trails and recommends solutions to trails issues. Committee members represent interests including: hiking, cross-country skiing, bicycling, horseback riding, off-highway motorcycle riding, ATV riding, snowmobiling and 4X4 truck driving.

Jeff Hagener, FWP Director, appoints the members of the committee who serve three-year terms and meet for one day, two to three times a year. Members are reimbursed for travel expenses at state rates.

To apply, send a letter or email that includes:
1) your name, address, telephone number and email address if available,
2) a description of the types of trail activities in which you participate and how often, keeping in mind that FWP is seeking individuals with broad recreational trail background,
3) your involvement with trail projects and programs,
4) the names of trail organizations to which you belong,
5) other talents and experience you would bring to the committee, and
6) your philosophy and perspectives regarding recreational trails use.

Applications may be mailed to Fish, Wildlife & Parks, State Trails Programs, P.O. Box 200701, Helena, MT 59620-0701; or emailed to: cblackwood@mt.gov. Applications must be received by 5 p.m. March 31. For more information, call: 406- 444-4585; or email: cblackwood@mt.gov.