January 2008 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 17 March, 2008

January 7, 2008Called to order at 6:33 by President Joe Coombs
- None
Secretary's Report:
- Statcy makes a motion to accept minutes as printed, Marianne seconds. Motion carries
Treasurer's Report:
- Account balances were read. Stacy makes a motion to accept Treasurer's report, seconded, carries.
- Dave Christensen donated $100 to the club earmarked for the BBBS Tree ride next year. We will use it for chili and hot chocolate
RVP Report:
- RVP is Absent
Trail Ride reports:
- BBBS: Cut short due to deep snow, but otherwise it went well. Everyone had fun.
- Benbow New Years Run: LOTS of snow and a ton of trees down. We will need to organize a few work days to clear trees before the conservation run and before people start to use it in the spring.
New Trail Rides:
- Where: Bear Canyon - Meet at Laurel burger King at 7:30am, leave at 8. When: Sunday Jan 27
Conservation Report:
- Benbow has a lot of trees down. Further organization of cleanup in the coming months.
Delegates Report:
- Next meeting is February 9th in Helena.
- Need to set our dates and events for the rally so they can get the BMP schedule lined up.
- Nothing new
- Working with TSA on the Ashland project. Trying to schedule meetings in Glendive and Miles City
- Kimard needs help with the Montana Outdoors Show on January 18, 19 and 20. Contact him if you can volunteer to help at 208-7806.
- Dale mentioned that we should be available to help volunteer for search and rescue operations. Last week, he called a few and organized a few people to help find the guy who was trapped under his rolled ATV, and we should all consider being available and ready to assist with something like this in the future.
- We should work towards getting more members in the club set up with HAM radios.
- None
Election of officers
Here's the 2008 officer lineup:
President: Mark Kary, Vice Pres: Tom Henry, Secretary: Terri Smith, Treasurer: Brian Casteel, Conservation Sec.: Chuck Strum, Correspondence Sec.: Brian Casteel, Delegates: Mike Hines, Dawn Hines, Alternate Delegate: Vern Ball
Christmas Party:
The annual Christmas Party will be held at the Golden Corral on 24th street west. It will be on Saturday, February 2, between 5pm and 8pm. Don't forget, that we will also have a “$4.44 Chinese gift exchange”, so everyone bring a White Elephant gift less than or equal to $4.44. Men bring gifts for men, women for women, children for children. Awards will also be presented at this time, so to those who won last year, please make sure to make the award for this years winner.
Bylaw Change for Dues change:
The bylaw amendment proposal that was sent out in November was voted on. Both proposed amendments were voted in. The bylaws regarding dues now reads:
Article III Dues, Section 1 - A, 1st sentence: A single membership's fee shall consist of the current
year's Montana 4x4 Association per-member dues at the time of joining or renewal, plus
twenty-five dollars ($25) . A single membership shall receive one vote.
Article III Dues, Section 1 - B, 1st sentence: A family membership's (husband, wife, and children
under 18) fee shall consist of the current year's Montana 4x4 Association per-member dues
at the time of joining or renewal, plus thirty-five dollars ($35). A family membership shall
receive two votes.
As of January, 2008, M4x4A's dues is $15 per member. This makes Magic City 4 Wheelers dues for
the 2008 year line out as follows: Single: $40 Family: $50

Dues are due in January and are at the increased rates Please get them in.

Roger makes a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mike seconds, meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.