March 2008 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 17 March, 2008

March 3, 2008Please make Note:
New meeting place for April 7th is El Corral
4907 Southgate Drive. 406-839-9073

Magic City 4 Wheelers Meeting Minutes: March 3, 2008

Meeting called to order at 6:30 by Mark Kary
Guests: None
Secretary’s Report: Teri is resigning, If you would like to take the position, please let Mark know.
Accepted as printed. Dues are Due Now! Please get them paid. $50 for family & $40 for single.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balances were read, motion made to accept them and carried.
RVP Report: Rim Rockers highway clean up is May 10th, their website is
Rim Rockers now have their calendar on the Website, if you want to go on one of their runs, register on their website so you can receive more info. Their next run is March 15th.
Trail Ride Reports:
Glacier Lake – Short run for some due to breakage, but all had a good time and there was snow.
New Trail Rides:
BenBow Clean up is March 29th, meet at the Laurel IGA at 7:30am
March 15th-20th Easter Jeep Safari in Moab.
June 28th & 29th is the Rally
Divide Ride 2008, Whitehall MT, July 14th – 20th. You must pre-register.
4th of July weekend – Proposed Independence Ride, also Morrison Trail was presented, this could be the conservation run by rebuilding a re-tension wall on the trail.
August 16th & 17th – Overnight run to the Sawtooth.
Conservation Report:
Backcountry Horseman are having a meeting April 5th at the BenBow trail head to go over what work is needed for expanding the parking lot.
Ally with the Forest Service is looking to put together a training class on chainsaw handling. This is a requirement by the F.S. if you want to run a chainsaw while doing trail repair in conjunction with the Forest Service. If interested email Mark Kary.
Delegates report:
Cascade County 4 Wheelers is having a St. Patrick’s Day run March 15th. Mike Hines is the new 4Xforum editor. Butte club is working at opening trails, maintaining & cleaning the Whitehall area. Dues increase will be voted on at April Convention, $30.00 for members at large, $25.00 for members.
Vern Ball has asked the club to Host the Pancake Breakfast for the Divide Ride this year and volunteers for other areas of the Divide Ride. Contact Vern Ball if you are interested in helping out.
Convention is the 12th & 13th of April in Butte MT. website has more info.
We need to get our info to Roger for the Rally before April! What are we doing? Mud Bogs? The next club meeting is your last chance for input and ideas.
Nothing new. Looking like Mud Bogs.
FFOR: Please work with the Forest Service and be reasonable. We can get more accomplished this way.
F.E.A.T: Nothing New.
Education/learning: Place your vehicle in Park and set your brake before stepping out of your vehicle or uprighting your vehicle.
Continuing/Old Business: A motion was made and passed to move the Club meetings to the El Corral. We have a new meeting place, it is the El Corral. April 7th meeting will be held at the El Corral 4907 Southgate Dr., Billings MT. They accept cash or Credit Cards only! No checks will be accepted.
A over night run has been proposed for Memorial Day weekend and Tabled, where would we like to go?
Vern Ball has been asked and accepted to go over RS-2477 for our Education/Learning for the next meeting.

Roger makes a motion to adjourn, it was seconded, meeting adjourned 7:40pm.