April 2008 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 25 April, 2008

April 7, 2008Meeting called to order @ 6:37 PM.

Guest: Robert Seardles (sp?) (sorry working with someone else’s handwriting).

Secretary’s Report: Accepted as sent out in email.
-Motion made to pay dues for the Secretary and seconded. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: No bills this month, one check outstanding. PLEASE PAY YOUR DUES as they were due in January. Motion made, seconded and passed to accept the report as stated.

VP Report: None.

RVP Report: Powell Valley 4Wheelers trail ride on Memorial Day Weekend and they have a trail ride the last weekend in April. Go to powellvalley4wheelers.com for more information.

Trail Rides:
-Powell Play-Day: Everyone found a challenge on the Powell Valley 4Wheelers land and everyone left with some sort of damage or dent. Lots of fun.
-Easter Jeep Safari (Moab): Max and Anthony gave a report. Everybody had a blast!
-Benbow Tree Clean-up Project: Icy bridges on the highway and lots of snow on the trail made this trip difficult. The strong winds didn’t help either. $50 was received from the Beartooth Nordic and Hiking Club of Billings to help in our efforts. They felt our efforts to clear the trail were a great idea and would like to help in the future if we have a need. We had to stop when the deep snow and massive number of downed timber made the trail difficult to find. 2 from Treasure State ATV, 8 from Park City ATV, and 4 from our club were there to help. Steve Mattson from Benbow ATV Rentals also helped out and his wife Donna cooked us all chili and corn bread.

Chainsaw training: April 28th – May 1st is the next class. Contact Mark Kary for details. Matt Cardwell volunteered to become a C-Certified trainer for the club.

New Trail Rides:
-April 25th-27th Pryors Trip. East of Warren for the campsite, which will be marked with survey tape. Call Aaron Johnson for details.
-Butte Club has a trail ride planned for the Sunday after the State Convention.
-May 10th is the Cooke City Run lots of snow to play in. Be aware that this will probably split into groups of vehicle ability (tire size mainly) so that all can have fun at their desired difficulty level.

-Benbow Weekend Campout: May 16-18. May change if snow doesn’t melt sufficiently by then. Mostly a tree cutting/clearing conservation trip will clean water bars if time permits. Call Chuck Strum for details.
-Morrison Weekend Campout: July 4th weekend if the Shoshone FS permits our early entry again. Call Chuck for details.

Delegates Report: Convention April 12-13.

BMP: Roger is talking to the BMP board about the concessions and the organizers of the rally need to talk to Ed Melcher about insurance.

-Chuck Strum and Joe Coombs are the leaders this year.
-June 28th-29th
-Tough Truck challenges that mild to wild rigs can enter. T-shirts for all competitors? Raffle? Napa was suggested as a sponsor for the shirts and other items. RTI ramp should be available for all and free camping should be available. Will need two work weekends this year because of the change in type of competition. Need to find logs 10’-12’ long (Benbow?).

-Working on survey for candidates to fill out.
-Check out the bill HR2061 going thru national congress currently (we need to be writing letters to the sponsors).
-Over 2000 license plates have been sold annually. Permanent plates are now available. Motorcycle and ATV plates are available also.
-Final Custer FS Travel Plan will come out in June and we will be ready to appeal thru FFOR and as a club so that each of us has a seat at the table even if we like the plan. Only 15 days to start our appeals once the final decision is made.
-Send in your Beaverhead/Deerlodge planning comments right away (only 20days left as of the meeting date).
-Still looking for cheap advertising/billboards for FFOR plates, call Ed Melcher with leads/ideas.
-We need to plan a Media trail ride (preferably to the Pryors) in the coming months.

Education/Learning: Vern will cover RS2477 rules and how we can use them to open trails next meeting.

FEAT: Nothing new. Call Dale Hert with ideas/questions.

New Business: Treasure State Alliance has a raffle for a Polaris Razor (two seat ATV) $20 each or 3 for $50.

Old Business: Memorial Day Weekend trail ride to Little Belts. Camp out at Jellison Camp grounds. Call Dale Hert for information.

April 1st is the Magic City 4Wheelers Inc. Anniversary date!!! 24 years and going strong!!

Divide Ride: Need Volunteers!! We need to support the Breakfast that the club is committed to by showing up to help!! Motion made to make the commitment this year also, motion seconded. Motion passed. Be there Sunday morning @ 6 AM, and thanks for supporting your state association!

Motion to adjourn, seconded and passed @ 8:22 PM.