May 2008 Meeting Minutes

By mh , 9 May, 2008

May 5, 2008Meeting called to order by Mark Kary @ 6:30.

New guests introduction.
Ricky Brown, and Justin Gram as clubs new secretary.

Secretary’s report.
Approved as written.

Treasurer’s Report.
Balance of accounts read, no new bills. Approved and accepted.
Correspondence pass around.

RVP report.
Rim Rockers trail ride on May 24th - 26th to Whitetail Spring Creek contact Les Hergenrider
652-0974 for more information.

Delegate’ report: State Convention.
Dues increase - Dues went to $25 / $30.
Membership count Stands at 193 members.
Need a chair person for 2009 Divide Ride. 3 winches to be raffled at Divide Ride 2008.
Helena Frontier 4x4 Club Rally at fair grounds My 17th 18th drag racing. Contact Roger Osborne for race numbers 628-8974.
Cascade County 4-Wheelers up to 15 members. Memorial weekend rally contact Bud Wheeler for more information 453-4263.
Skyliners 4-Wheel Drive working with tribe to open more trails on the reservation. Black trail work party on Memorial week end.

Conservation report.
BenBow conservation work week end moved to May 31 / June 1.
Parking lot at BenBow in the works. A 100’ X 75 parking area will be proposed by Chuck Strum to the FS. Chuck is looking for help and donations. Any Question contact Chuck Strum 896-1214.
Hope to get grant for this project.

Trail Rides.
Some members went to Moab. They had a lot of fun, lots of breaks, no injuries, one roll over ( Jeff Gray again wild man).

New Trail Rides.
May 10th leave BK in Laurel at 7:30 to Cook City for more information contact Joe Coombs 861- 8788 or Aaron Johnson 860-7700.
Memorial ride call Aaron Johnson 860-7700 for more information.
Powell Club to have Rally Memorial week end mud bog contact Joe Coombs for more information 861-8788.
Second week end of every month to be a standard mystery ride, meet at Laurel BK at 7:30.

Rally / BMP
Water truck at BMP is available to use at rally but needs work contact Roger Osborne for more information 628-8974.
Work days for the rally are June 7th and 14th , need lots of help, and any donations to give out at rally. Robert Searles has donated 100 drink coozies for the rally give away.
No new report.

Educational Section.
No report.

New Business / Members
Erick Molan and Robert Searles.
Erick has a tube bender that club members may use for more information call Bill Springer 254- 8814.

Old Business

Meeting Adjourn at 7:37.

Respectfully Submitted.
Tom Henry VP Magic City 4 Wheelers