April RVP Report

By MichelleD , 15 April, 2002

Happy Spring from the Frontier 4-Wheelers!

We have been busy getting ready for our Ramp Travel Contest and Fun Days.Our Ramp Travel Contest is set for May 4th at Champion Auto on Cedar Street from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This is a change from Dr. Zoom's as we first reported. First place is a year's membership, and second place is a $20 gift certificate to Champion Auto. Thanks to Champion Auto for their support. We'll have a photographer (me!) there with a digital camera if anyone would like thier picture taken.

$5 and some canned food for God's Love buys you two attempts at the ramp.

Thanks to the Mountaineers for the loan of their ramp.

A trail ride will follow on May 5th beginning at 9:00 a.m. at County Market (corner of Montana and Custer Avenues)

Fun Days will be June 15th and 16th at Whitehouse Campground near Bernice. We are planning new games and plenty of fun. Everyone is encouraged to attend.

Our April 13th trail ride was a success with 5 rigs, including a new guest. We found plenty of snow to play in, though it wasn't very cooperative. Good snow-cone snow, bad wheelin' snow. Only damage was a U-joint on Tom's front drive shaft on our way out just as we neared the pavement. He admits he was a little rough on it - breaking trail all day in snow that was sometimes headlight high. Pictures are posted on the M4x4A site.

See you at convention!
-Michelle Dukleth, RVP