Racing at 10,000 Silver Dollars

By tsm1 , 6 August, 2002

Hi Everybody!

Just wanted to let you know that RPM Racing is putting on a race August
17th and 18th at Lincoln's 10,000 Silver Dollar Bar in Haugan. The plan
is side by side mud drags on Saturday, real mud, not clay, and no more
than 12" deep. Great obstacle course on Sunday, about 1/2 mile long. Not
an axle breaker! $ 100.00 fast time of the day on Sunday. Let's try to
keep it away from John Alexander and Mike Reynolds! Ha! Ha!
Flyers are on the way for those of you I have addresses for. For anybody
that has questions or would like a coy of our rule book, you can e-mail
to, or call 406-826-0040.

There is camping at the race site, Racers separate, but no electricity.
There are also approximately 40 rooms available for rent but you may
want to call ahead for a reservation.

Race site is 1/4 west of exit 19, interstate 90 on the frontage road.

Hope to see everybody there!! Hope you're all surviving the heat and
having a great summer!!
