Region 5 RVP Report

By tsm1 , 26 August, 2002

Hello from the Frontier 4-Wheelers!

We have been keeping ourselves busy this summer.

The Misko's had a great time at the Bozeman Mud Bog in July. They placed 12th out of
100 rigs. Thank you Bozeman Mountaineers for another great Mud Bog!

We had our monthly trail ride on August 4th where we headed up to Lava Mountain. We
had seven vehicles with us and everyone had a great time. It was a great time to get
out and enjoy the mountains. The weather had been kind to us most of the day. We were
joined by a passenger who was vacationing from New Brunswick and took lots of
pictures. His pictures and others will be posted on the M4X4A website.

Some of our club members helped out with the Cascade County Mud Bog on August 10th. Thanks to everyone who
helped out and to Ashley for singing the Star Spangled Banner.

We will be teaming up with Cascade again for their Labor Day Rally
in Cascade on August 31st and September 1st.

Our next trail ride is August 24th and we'll be meeting at County Market at 9:00
a.m. as usual.

We have 3 new members as of the last meeting:

Becky Brewer
Clarence Cabanna
Doug Herold


-Michelle Dukleth, RVP